P149 CEEFAX 2 149 Fri 07 Feb 21:13/26       MERSEY GLORY - SONGS OF PR—ESE Ticket reservations indicate that Mersjy Glory- the special recording of "Songs of Praise" at Evetton Football Club on 4th May 1:97 will be full to capacity. Response has been tremendous with well ovjt 40,000 people indicating their wish to be there. Admission will bj bz ticket only and organisjrs are in the process of writing to applicants to explain the booking procedure. Liverpool poet Roget McGough is writing a new hymn for the choir of 5,500 Mersjyside children to sing on the day. Headlines 101 Extra 140 Sport 300 Children 500 TV 600 Weathjt 400 Latest Wjathjt TV/Radio Main Menu