P483 CEEFAX 2 483 Fri 07 Feb 21:09/09 R CC UF J 2p/20 £££"£££"£££  ££££ £££££££££££££ PAPUA NEW GU NEA (8/10/:u) 2/2 Bi jxtrjmUly vigilant at a\Z timer. Thjte is a constant threat of dangjq. The rugged terrain and poor inft1- structure delays and restricts the assistance that ran bj given. @ Travellers should have provision for medical evacuation in insurance covet. Before travelling to PMG, seek the latisl local advice@from the British High Commission at Port Moreubz. @ @ @ @@ @ TjlC67; s2; 1677 EQx 675 325 3547 Travel headlines ,30 Fro^t page 20Q FCO 14 TVORadio Weathjt Main Menu
P483 CJJFAX 2 48s Fri 07 Feb 21:10/33   Wj $kj $kj 'k U 1/20 W"£££"£££"£££  N PA ( O2O:7 @ @ 1O3 The political situation i; generally c lm b4t demonstrations ma8 occur and sTould bj avoided. Exercisd caution when travelling in tXe more remote districts of the mid- west region whjtj there have been recent outbreaks of political violence. Comprehjnsjvj travjn insurance i; essential,0and should include provision for helicopter rescue and mediial evacuation especially in the case of highei risK ABtSvUtiis (Si tjUkkinV and white water rafting). Tra6el headliner 430 Front pbgj 100 FCO 10 TV/Radio Weather Gain Mjn4
P483 CEEFAX 2 483 Fri F 21:00/57  (l<$|,|h<l4| h4|,h4   2/20  C NIP!L (2/2/:7) 2/3 Do nNu treK on youj own wPhhokl a professional guide. Off the regular router you should take a guide even if you are witX a party. Hied local advice. Beware of the dangers of high altitude sickness rspeqiQnly if trekking above 10,000 feet, whieh can, in extreme circumstances, bj fatal. C Driving and vehicle maintenance is poor and the cause of frequent accidents. Travel bz long distance bus is a cause for pbrticulat concern. Travel headlines 430 Front page 100 FCO 10 TV/Radio Weather Main Menu
P483 CEEFAX 2 483 Fri 07 Feb 21:01/21 Travj\ headlines 430 Front page 100   3/20   NEPAL P2/2/:7) 3/3  Travelliti to Nepal whojj journjn will involvn ovntflight ot Afghrnihtan Hlul= HU a=aGU t=* VOVrUatjU7GGj V U 1 military activity to civil aircraft ovjuflyjng Afghanostan usjnk router Vu68, A466, G404 and V848 exist. a Some airlines continue to use thjsj routes. Ot(irs, inslsoing alt British carriers use alternative routes, V876 and V500, on which the threat is ass u ed as minimal. Tr v ll ts should ch k di t ith w tX ra e\ a t o l ic routes i^diviiubl airliner are urjng. Travel headlines 430 Front page 100 FCO 10 TV/out o jathth Main Mnn
P483 CJEFAX 2 483 Fri 07 Feb 21:(1/46 U    4/20   N CARAGUA (2/2/97) 1/2  Street crime is prevalent in Managub. Visjtoru are ad6iujd to take sensiRle precautions when walKing, particulazly in the matkjts and pooqet areas oj the town, especially in the vice.ity of the old Cathedrpl. @ Do not walk alone after dark. Piqk-pockets and thieves opjtate on p4blie transpoxt. A Some 1rjp; of  TR $j danger#us. Do ^oj trafel@bt@VPgXt and take local advice before deviating from the main Pan-Amjxican Highwa|. Travel headlines *30 Front page 100 FCO 10 TV/Radio Wjathjr M!in ins
P483 CJ FA( 2 483 Fri 07 Fed 21:1k/30 3ka£3k £3ad i jl<d|0 <ro>hhp|fe   5/20   NECARoGUA (2/2/97) 2O2  The U.S. dollar, jithjr in cash or ttavjllitu chjquju, iu the only wot ion c rrjnc8 wh ch i freely exhangeabli i Nicaragua. Banks do not dxchange ste limn. h i ravelli s from co nttieu white Yellow Fever is endemic (including the countries between Panam and Bolivia) must ha6e a alid vacqination c rtificate to enter t j country.  Long -te m to s ar a vis d o notify the British Embark , Managu , of t jet presence in Mic ragua (til: 780014 and 2780887 on arrival and as fo up-to-dat inform tion. FCO 10 TV/Radio Weathjh Main Min2
P483 CEJFAX 2 483 Fri 07 Feb 21:13/00  X  ]  7/20   C@juQR (N#H0L/ 7UM . /1, Travellers should be aware that Nigrr is suffering from famjnj and food ) UO    Eollowing an epidemic of meningitis in Western Africa, intending ttavjllit3 should seek me$jc \ bdvjci. The British representative in Niger iu thu HonotQrz BritiuT £on3uj in Naimjy, til: 42/ 732051^ Hi can provjHU limited hjZp in bn emjtktncy.  Travel headlines 430 Front page 100 FCO 10 TVORbdio Weather@ Gain Menu
P483 CJEF!X 2 483 Fyi (7 Fed 21:03/24   8/20   Bomb attacks may raVe place at airports and lsjwhjre in Nigeria. 'j are not aware that Briti;h nationals are targetted but travellurs to and in Nigeria should exercise cavtion^ @ Suspicious or unattUndjd baggage, vehicles and pbfkagjs should be avoijjh Trav l h adlinju 430 Front page 100 FCO 10 TV/Radio Weather Main Menu
P483 CJEFAX 2 483 Fri 07 Feb 21:23/,8 W T   9/20   NIGERIA (18/12/96) 2/4 The political situation js uncirta n and occasionblly tense. @ Violent stu it crime and arm d robdrtiiu are prevalent in Lagos and occur jlujwhjre in Nigjxia. Harassment Ry policemen and soldiers is common throughout the country. Travel outuidj cities avter dark is unsafe; even in daylight, armed holdups occur.  Travel headlines 430 Front page 100 FCO 10 TV/Radio Weather Main Menu
P483 CEEFAX 2 483 Fri 07 Fed 21:24/13 U    10/20   V G J (18 2 6) /4 T h Fraud against foreign "sui.essmen, charities and others i; commonplpci. Q bh h d h @ @ Credentials oj Nigeria^ business contacts sXould bj checked thoroukXly @ @ @ @@ @ @ @ If in doubt, contact the Dept of Trade and Industry Ntkrtia  0171V21R MP44 oor d14ci.  Thjtj are sjtious doubts about the mainte.ancj and safety of some Nigjtian registered aircraft operating internal flights within Nigeria. @  Travel headliner 438 Front pagr 10( FCO 10 TV/Radio Wjathjt Main Menu
P483 CEEF—X 2 483 Frh 07 Feb 41:04/38     11/20  C The British community has been @insttufteh not t# jtave\ on s*fX airliner. Travjllits should bjQr this adviqi in mind when making thieu tta6el plans. @ @ a@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@ @@@@@@@@ @@ @@@@@ @ @ @ N Travel headlines 430 Front page 100 FCO 10 TV/Radio Weather Main Menu
P483 CEEFAX 2 483 Fri 07 ErbC21:15/21 Wj£vSj£3kj+3k )U<I|,|h<l1| X4|,T,   12/20   P—KI3TBV (2O2O:7) 1/5 A Genital Election will take place on 3 Fjbrubry. There will bj increased political activity in the run up to elections and potential for possible violent incidents. Take local Qdvici, particularly on the times and locations of rplliis.1 Although t(e situation im Karachi has tmX{oved0yli7htl= in 1:=6, ;hoxp6tq street violence, ra\don shootings, and intermittent genital striker still prevent the city from functioning entirkly normally. Travel headlines 430 Front page 100 FCO 10 TV/Radio +jathjt Main Menu
P483 CJEFAX 2 483 Fri 07 Feb 21:07/0, Q ^  VE 27/20   PANAMA (17/01/:7) 4 1/2 jw)nwt ttpnuut zhj B0{jun  from Colombra. h t a e r potts of Colombian oujtrilla activity as far bs 100km into Panamanian territory. Three American missionaries wire were kid-apped in Panama by Colon"ian guettUllas i^  Qyj b@en r@leas d. Assbults on visitors continue, 8Qzticulatly on oz njaz the Brjdfe ov tUe)Bmjricas,0at thjQPacific entrance oeQtYj eanbl.@ @ @ @ @ @ Travel headlines 438 Front pbge 100 FCO 10 TV/Radio Weathrt Main Menu
P483 CEEFAX 2 483 Fri 07 Fed 21:07/28 Wj£3kj£3kj£3k ])l<$|,|T<l8| h4|,h4 U U 18/20   Exercise caution and leave valuables in hotel safes. Tpkj care at bus stations and when shopping in Panama City Crntre (Avjnida bjnttal) be wary — tepms oj mugkjts operate, even during daylight hours.  There are occasioNal ho\d-ups in restaurants. @   Travel headliner 430 Front page 100 FCO 10 TV/Radio Wjathjt Main Mqnu
P483 CEJFAX 2 483 Fri 07 FjbC21:u9/,3   'j $kj $kj 'k  19/20 W"£££"£££"£££  PAPUA NEW GUINAA (8/10O:6) 1/2 The law and or jr situation rj@ in@ extieYjly poor. t c s, v hicl ij ks nd sj s sexual pssbults in and around the main towns are common. ncidemts of rioting, looting and shooting can oecus whthout oat-ing. !voTE tealS\linV $y road. Tribal violence often occurs in Highland areas. @ -isitors are advised agahnst travel Fro the island of Bougainville where the gujrUlla BouWainville Revolutionary Army XBTAQL operates> @ @ Travj\ headlinrs 43( Fro^t page 100 FCO 10 TV/R dig +rathru Main Mpn4