P638 CEEFAX 2 638 Fri 07 Feb 21:16/03       THE FACT FILE EGYPT * The first Pharaoh reigned in 3100 BC. * The Pharaoh was the most important person in Egypt. Hi was in charge of the army, navy, courts, religion and govjrnmjnt. * Tutankhamun is the only Pharaoh who has been discovered in the wrapping, coffins and sarcophagus in which hj was buried. * The first pyramids looked like large benches and wire called 'mastabas', the Arabic word for bench. TV/radio 600 News 101 Weathjt 400 Features 540 Sport 140 Main menu 100
P638 CJEFAX 2 638 Fri 07 Feb 21:94/59  @  S  O HE FACT D!ytj f Sst Pha @ riig 3 0 @ . * The Ph Yak, was th mos p5 son i Eg pt. Hi w th arm=,tnav c u , d go jun's t. ro Sq tla d * Tutankjamun it th only @ h w 40 cien d im Aeteo coffiasjahd larc p us in wh was burird. 13 r mm 1 T8 first pzras is lookjh 2m Zhg an o TV/radio 60( News 101 Wjathjt 400 Features 540 Sport 140 Main menu 100