P477 CJJFAX 2 477 Sun 16 Fib 21:44/46   UD@U USYW@  C CAMEROON (14/12/96) 1/2 T(jte has been a. increase im violent arimb, insl4$in£ c r (ijQqkiNk; a&4  mugging2, particularl9 in Yaounde and DouQla. @ @@ @@ @ @ @ Take sensible precautions. Do not {alt around town ou travel after  Avoid carrying valuables at aNy time. ? Highway robberjeu in h(j NUtth oe the country appear to Pave beRn brought undjt control.@ @ @ Travel headlines 430 Front xag 1/25 F , T./"Rdro WeatQeu @ Kai. Mink
P477 CJEFAX 2 477 Sun 16 Fed 22:43/43  (l<$|,|h<l4| h4|,h4 V  23/25   CZECH REPUBLIC (17O12/96) 1/3 @ / @ @@ h t(eft, particularly in Prague.  PicSJpocSjxiLg iu extreme\y coMmon at ihj ZbUn tourist attractionv, in @ @ particular the Chazliu Bridge, Ptaguj C!ptlei es@aNsliw@Sjsjg\j t# Tjwuj e @ Square and the Jewish Cj-etery.a W (heft also oceujs frequently at tXj main railway station, on trains and on trams, partiqularly the no.22 route to and fqom Prague Cavtli. Foreign Office Travel: 0171 2&0 (129 Travel (jadli-eu 430 @Front page 100 FCO 4 TV/Radio Wjathjt Main Menu
P477 CJJFAX 2 477 Sun 16 Feb 21:44O32 F L U @V 25/2u   CZECH EPIALICLWIO )T 4@ O  Reports of racially moti6ated attacks o. t(j local $omb.y population by sVjnhjads are common.  Thjtj have also bjim isolated, apparently racially related, violent incidents involving British nationals. Vj5itors to foteuted areas sho4ld seek medical advice about immuni3ation againsv tickMuornj encephalitis. R Foreign Office Travel: 0171 270 4129 ] Travel headliner *39) gront page  FCO 4 ,V/Radio Weather Main Mung
P477 CJEFAX 2 477 Sun 16 FeR 22:42/55 j£Trj£3k £3k il<s|,|h<l4| ht|,hg Wj $kj $kj 'k ]  21O25  C CROATIA (7/1/97) Avoid Eastern Slavonia (UN SUctor East* ExercSse cajtioN in@areas bordering Bosnia-HercegovinaOMontenegro, A VaveU.BriNg look bt lPe wUZElile ol @ s#mj restrictions@o^ movjUj^l mbz bj encountered. bj awake and take locQl ad6iei on jhj presence of unjxploded miner and ordnance in areas affected b8 war dQmagj. @ @ @ @ @ Trav l h adlin s 430 Front pa @ 10 FCO 4 TV/Radio Wjathju Main Menu
P477 CJ FAX 2 477 Sun 16 Fed 21:38O42 £3 j£3 j£3 ,| < h4|,h4   11/25 CCBC C CHQNA - T DET (28O01/z7) 2/3 @ UivUtors shot\d avoid bjcomUng involved i. demonsljations or calls for Tidetan Indepjndrnce. Vhdjo-taping or bj regarded bz the authorities as qrov#catSmj. @@ @ @@@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ The local avthoritiis will react strongly if you are found carrying litters oq packQges from $ibitan Fnatio.blu for posting in othjt countries. Permission is notZally needed to take photographs in Buddhist monasteries. Vigotiati fees beforehand. Travel hj dlhnr1 F FCO 4 TVORadio +eathjt MQin Mqnu
P477 CEJFAX@2 477 Sun 16 Feb 21:39O31    U S 13/25   COLOMBIA (7/1/:7) @ @ @ .ioliNci@and Vidnbpping remain serious problems. In rural areas in partiqular there iu a serious riu* of bjink  up im terrorist attacks and kidnapping. Four British citizens have bjjn Kidnapped since January :5. Visitors should always take pdvjci eroI the Bmdassy, Bogota (Tel: 218 511R) and local authorities before travelling by roadL and should, if at all possible, avoid travel bz vehicle away from major urban/tourist areas and ro4teu, or outside dby\ight hours.    Ttavjl hUadlinjs h30 FroNt page 100 FCO 4 TV/Rbdio CWeathjr MQin Menu
P477 CEEFAX 2 477 Sun 1* Fib 22:39/05 U LL   14/25   CWMOROS (31/01/97) In late Ja.uary some civil service demonstrators im t(j ca0ital Moro.i were wounded following confrontations Visitors to the islands are advised to consult thieu hotel management eefotj visiting the town oj Moroni in otdet to determine whether ot not it is sbfe to do so at the time. Further information may bj obtained from the British Honorary Consul in Moroni (Tel/Fax 733182 ). Travel (eadlinjs ,30 Front page 200 FCO 4 TV/Radio +jathjr Main Menu
P477 CEEFAX 2 477 Su^ 16 Fed 21:)0O19 Wj£3kjQ3kj£3k    15W25   O 19 6) / Bray-a@illi ir ganetallU quiht, b t cautio^ should@"e jxUrcisjh@bl@NigXl- It is inadvisable to travel outside the town after dark. Carr should be taken in torn at night. The Point Moire port area is subject to bandilty, as are the roads linKing Btaz:bvilli and Point Moire. @@@ @ @ @ British nationals should register on arrivbl and Ujip im touch witQ tPe rUtish Ho.orary Consuls in Btazzbville. WQ @@ @ @ @ Travel headlines *30 Front page 101 C , (./"adio WeatPjq Gain Ninu
P477 CEEFAX 2 477 Sun 16 Feb 21:%1/07 Trave\ PeaTlUmek@,60 FroLl@pafe 201 U  17O25  ££££££££££££££££££££££££££ CORSICA (31O12/:6)  Bomb atjac+s, kainly on public bujldin s, ontinuj t tag pla t(roughout Cor;ica. ? Vi5itors to the i9lhnd sho4nd taku  care, pbrticulatly in town centres and near public buildings. Be wary of uNattended paciagjs. Attacks on Briti;(-yekiuteted 9achtu earlier this szmmjt have not been repeated, but yacht owners should seek advice from the harbourmastet on intiting Corsican ports, and consider Bmovhm£ o& if they do nor o1tahn adeq5bte bsruranciu of secUrity. FCO 4 TVORadio B'eathjy Main Menu
P477 CJEFAX 2 4g7 Su^ 16 Feb 21:41/44 UCW )l<I|,|h<l4| h4|Lh4 @ Wj $kj $kj 'k  18O25   COS-BaRJCBaTs2O24#y6[dT @ s/2 leo\e]l criUeI swZj specilica\ly@ @ @ Most visits are trouRli-etje, though t(jri have been recent incidents of v ol nt r m , son sp c ficall targeted at twuriuts.  There Pave been lwo kidnappings oe Bforeignits in 1996, both in the northern lowlands towards the Nicaragubn frontier. @ @@ @ @ Travel hjadlinrs 430 Front pQgj 100 FCO 4 TV/Radio Weathjt Main@Menu
P477 CIEFAX 2@477 Sun 16 Fj" %2:)2/*%  $l<$|,|h<l4| h4|,h4 S U 19/2* '"£££"£££"£££  COS-A RRCA (12O22/96) Gang UunVinov can #ccur!jmj^@SN @@ daylight on busy sttjitsN Theft of, and froI, cars is co-mon. Do ^ot wear jewellery or carr8 large amounts of @cash. Avoid street money changers. Rjpaits to the dbmakj caused bz hurricaVe 'Cjsaj' to I Hjghw0z to PpnamQ bjtwtin Spn Joyj 1/d San Isidro Del GeNeral are sufficiently advanced to allow normal traffic to pbvs. However, visitors@should still check wUth tXeir@travel bgjmts or tour rjpreujntativjs. Travel headliner ,30 Front page 100 FCO 4 TV/R1dig AQ lpu7 Mun;