P479 CJJFAX 2 47: Sun 16 Feb 21:40O34   3/17 W"£££"£££"£££ ££££££££££££££££££££££££££ G5JJCJ ]QCO"FU X23O12/9mI @ 2O2 @ @ @ @ @ British citizens visiting Corfu bz boat h the boat can 2j guarded. W(ere possible,@visitors@should bv#Uh marinas between midnight and 0680. ' @ @  2    Tra6el headliner 43( Front page 100 FCO 6 News Heads 'eathjt M!in Menu
P479 CJEFAX 2 479 Sun 16 Feb 21:41/0 3 j£3 j 3 l< |,|h<l | h |,h4 Wj $kj $kj 'k  4/17 C  eUATdUaLA T21/1) 96)  Violent crime i1 Xrj61fent vhroz£hw46 G5atembla, eupeqially in and around the cApUtal a\d@oi(jj tokrishabreas. Muggjts are oftun well-armed. Do no< Qttimpt to reujsl when "eing roRbed. Bi alert at all times, and do not travel alo.e, 0artiaulazly at night. Armed robbetjis of public buse1 are common. Many of there buses are poorly mbjntai.ed and accidents are common and often fatal. @ @ 5Ugister wirY the British Kmbassz on atrivbl, tel 3321601 for an update on the c4rrunt situation. Tra6em headlinj2 430 Front page 100 FCO 6 News Heads 'jathjt Main Minn
P479 CJEFAX 2 479 Sun 16 Feb 21:)2O12 Wj£3kj£3kj£3k  WU $kj $kj 'k  5/17   GUINEA X20/01/:7) VUsjtors should bj aware ol pickpockets and mugkits, particularl= in Conakr8 itself. Foreigners a:e likjl] t1rgets and u(ould avoid cazr|in7 61luablqu in pzblic. @ @ @ Foreign Office Travef 0171 23 4503/4  Travel headlines 430 Front page 100 CCO 6 Nrws Heads +jQthju l0jn Mun4
P479 C$EFAX 2 479 Sun 16 Fed 21:42/k/    Wj $kj $kj 'k  6/17 /E£££"£££"£££  GUYANA (21/01/:7) 1/2 Volemt crime remains a problem, particularly in Georgetown. Do not walk alone at night, especially in the area of Stabroek Market and downtown Georgetown. Take additional precautions during daylight hour j.k. do n t driu o tentatiousl , carry vbluabli; etc. Hoyse burglary, often accompanied bz violence and theft from cprs are  mQjor problems. Visitor; coming to stay with family ot friends should take extra steps to ubfegu"rd vblubblis (passports, money and air ticUetuR. Ttavjl headliner 430 Front page 100 FCO 6 News Heads Wjathjt Main Mi-u
P479 CEEFAX 2 479 Sun 16 Feb 21:42/01  I   7O17  GUYANA (22/1/97) Typhoid is still present in czzana. Malaria is prjnalenl in all areas outsjdj Georgetown. Seek medical advice about inoc4lations and medic tion 8rior tg departure. @ @ @ hR@@R@ R R d @ @ @  Travel headlines 430 Front page 100 FCO 6 News Heads Weather Main Menu
P479 CEEFAX 2 479 Sun 16 Fed 21:42/45  I U S 8/17    Tra dnchdente on oudijarw cuimj ir jy wii incteasj but foteignjts are not a shoulf ballw risk(te . m i o Avoid poorng arias of Port@au Princ2. SensjRli precautions rho ld j taken, on t car aluabliu o large mo  o cajh. Do not toavel outs ds@tue qapjtal after dark. British hationalu planting to travjm to Hanti are adv j to contact th r sis ce C Po t u ti i Office 509 573 969, home 509 493 950 ot thu British High Coamissjon in Uongeton, Jamaica 1j0l 926 9050. Travel Xeadlinjs 430 Front page 100 FC 6 NVws HiQds Weathj Main Me.u
P479 CEEFAX 2 479)Sun 16 Fed 21:43/06 'j£3kj£3kj%3+  'j $kj $kj 'k  9/17 £ £ ££ £ £ ££ HONDU5BS T28/11h@6) 1/2 * 2 T j incidenc o viol nt m , including armed robdety,@car hijacking, burglar= and az3Qult continues to rise. @INXL@ Us(ea@PNpeu@t# raise@FRtL0QQ@lo@ aJountu of cash. Jxcirciue cautionL partii4narly at night, in thu poo:ju areas of Tjgucigalpb & San Pedro Sula. The bordjt regions (except major crossing points* with Nicaragua and El Salvador are best avoided. R Take care with personal possessions w(jm tianjl\iNg dy buvN@ToQd@trave\ bl night i; inadviuQblj. @ Travel headlines 630 Front page 100 FCO n News Hcadv Weal(jr KQin Zinu
P479 CJEFAX 2 479 Sun 16 Fed 21:4sO58 C )l<I|,|h<l4| h4|,h4  ]Q )Q/17   HON' KONG (1QO11/96) @R@@ Travjllits overflying Afghanistan should bj aware that thjte are threats froM Uj\itary activijy to airctafj using routes V668, A466, G202 and V848. @ b @ @ @@ h Some berliner coLtinue to use thjsj routes. Others, including all British cattiktsX0uvjQbltirNbtivj routiw] .876) and V500, on which the threat is assjsjd as minimal. @ Travellers should check direct either with travel agents ot aizlineu, which routes individual airlines are using. d R Travel headlines 430 Front page 100 FC 6 News Heads Wjathjt Main Menu
P479 CEEFAX 2 479 Sun 16 Fed 21:   -   .j $kj $kj 'k  12/17   CELANDX @@ T(j fMooHjd area,@s#tuX@oe lPe @ Vatnajokull glacier and to the sea, is no longjt b danger zoNe. @ @ ThU main east-west road crossing the flooded plains has been rjopjnjd to all traffic, though the repairs are only temporary and are vjty rough. A speed limit of 30 rpm has bee& imposed. People wishing to travel off roQd do so bt thieu own risK and thU Foreign Office would advise drivers to contact t(j local authoritii; bjeore departure.  Travel headlines 430 Front page 100 FCO 6 News Heads Weather Main Minv
P479 CEEFAX 2 479 Sun 16 Feb 21:5*/47  l< |,|h<l4| h4|,h4   13/17   INDIA X6/12/96) 1/3  India iu generally calm and apart from Jammu and Kashmir major tourist destinations are quiet. Developments in Kashmir can bj reflected in Delhi white visitors are advised to take care. There have been bomb explosions in public places in Delhi a^d on public transport in njighRouring areas. Britons have also been kidnapped in Delhi, most recently in 199%. Visitors should be vigilant and wary of approaches by stranger;. Othjt business centres are unaffected. Tr1vjl hj14linr; 430 Front pagu 09 FCO 6 News Heads Wjathjt Main Menu
P479 CJJFAX 2 479@Sun 16 Feb 2):55/12  @@ 1 Wj $kj $kj 'k  )4/17 WE£b&"£££$C£b*££££&£C£££££££bCb£%££b£££% INDRA X6/12/;6[ 2O3 @ The nortX east is a disturbed region. Visitors shohlh lrave\ on essential business only, ot in isco5lid stoups. @ 0irmiis bre riqkireh@for tranel to SZkkim, Arunac(al Pradeuh, NagalandL Manj05r)an4 Mizoram. @ @ Am jnctea3ing Numbjt of foreigNers are being attested for drug offtncis. @ @ @ @@ @ Ui3Utors s(ou\d $e aware tXbt@lhjqi are 3jmere pjValjiUs for pokRjssUom of even small aZouOts of narcotic ' Tr vjl h dlinju 430 From pag FCO 6 Vewu Heads Weather Main Menu
P479 CIEFAX 2 479 Sun 16 Fed 21:58/43 Q  UV  15/17   INRIA T6/1C/U6)E 1/2 T ll s t In a ho jo n = w i(volvj ov bfli@ho of Afghtnistan stoald bi awara of thrhats ftoj risk of incidents at any time, lj k certain router.  Some Qiuliijn co tiiuOctopusd h j rotter. Oth tu tnclu in ais Br. p sh l p hphRp nd V5o0, on whi h tho threat is pisjtojs asominRme d s r fravetoutusshou c c dir c i wi tr e a t o ai li routes indivrdzal airlineo ara usjna. vu Travel headlines 430 Front page 10X FCO 7 TVOR dea jaahhj@ Main Menu
P479 CIEFAX 2 479 Sun 16 Fed 21:59/07   WU $kj $kj 'k  16/1/   INDIA RAMMU & KASHM TO There is a serious risk of kidnapping in the state of Jammu and Kashmir. Avoid travel to all parts of the state apart from Ladakh^ Travel to LadaRh should oLly be bz air or via Manali in Himachal Pradash. Militants have held hostage two Ariton2 and two ouTer foieign nat(o. ls since July 9k, and murdjrud a Norwegian hostage in August 95. S x Indi n to5r s s we bdu t Fftom thieu housjdoat in Srinagar and murdered in July 95. Travel headlines 430 Front page 100 FCO 6 News Heads Weathqr Main Menu
P479 CEJFAX 2 479 Sun 16 Feb 21:59/31 £3kj£3 j 3k  |, h l4| | h U  17/17 W"£££"£££"1££  IND A JAMMU & KASHMIR T6/12/96I 2/2 There are frequent clashes between militants a^d security forces and violunt h!monsttations in StHnagat.   T(jti havf Rjjn Tomb blasts in pudlic placer in SrUnagar and Jammu @ Eoriignjrs have been robbed at gunpoint. Buuinrus propli considrting a vi9iu to Vammv and Kashmir (apbttQftom Ladakh) should consult the British High Commission@bjf#te travelling. Travel headlines 430 Front page 100 FCO 6 News Hqads Weathjt Mpin Menu