P483 CEEFAX 2 483 S:n 13 FjbC2):5      1/21 W"£££"£££$£££  NEPAL (2/2O97J 1O3 The political 3ituation is ge.erally calm but demonstrations mQz occur and should  Ex tcis caution w en ttavellin in the more remote districts oe the mid- west region white thjti have been recent outbreaks of politjcan violincj. Comprehensive travel ins5ranci is essential, and should include provision foz hilieoptez rjycuj and  jvpcubtion ruprcially in the case of higher risK activities (ii trekking and whits water rafting*. Travel headliner 430 Front page 100 FC 10 TV/  +eathjr Main Menu
P483 CEEFAX 2 483 Sun 16 Fed 21:52/47  L   2/2)   NIP!L X2/2O97) R/3 Do no5 trek on youj osn whuXout a 0tofessjonal guide. @ Off the regular royteu ywu sho4lh taSj a guide even il you ate with a party. Hied local ad6ici. Beware of tXe dankjrs of (ikh althtude  Gjspjeially if trekking Qbovj 10,090 feet, which qpn, in jxtxime  cjrcumstanciu, bj fatal. h Driving and vehicle mainteNance is poor and t(e cause oj jrique^t accidents. Travel by long distance bus is a cause jot Xarticujaz concern.  Travel headlines 430 Front page 100 FCO 10 (V "bdio 'eatiju Gain MeNu
P483 CJJF!X 2 483 Sun 16 Feb 21:43O11 USV  Wj $kj $kj 'k  3/21 'a£££"£££"£££&££££££££££££££££££££££££££ @ Travellers to Ni8al whose journj= will involve overflight of Afghanislan V/j^. VOV] UO]OVUUUUUUUUU U / mYlYtary activity to civil aircr ft o6jxflying Afghanistan z3ing routes V668, A466, G4X2 and V848 jxistn Somd airlines continue to use there router. Othjts, including all Brhtiuh carriers use altixnativj routesL V877 a^d Vk00, on which tPj threat iu assessed as minimal. Travellers should check direct either Bwit, trpvrn agunts or airlinru which rout!u iUdivjdtgl airliner asl ufin@. T av hj dlin 430 Front p 100 FCO 10 TV/Radio +jathjt MQjn Menu
P483 CEEFAX 2 4<3 Sun 16 Feb 21:43/35   $ $k 'S j5 }j7 W ju 4 21 'ECCb$£CF$CCF,£bb£&F££&C"CbCFCC£CC£CCCC£ NICA5BGUA (2/2/:7) 1/2  Street crime is prevblint in Manag5b. Visitors are advised to take sensidli precautions when walking, particulajly in the markets and poorer areas of the town, Sspec@ally in t@j vUcBnitZ of t(j old Cathedral. Do not w lk alone after dark. Pick-pockets and thirveu opjtate on public ttaVsport.a @ @@ @ @@ @@@@ @ @@@ @ @@@ @@@@@@ Some areas of the North continue to bj dangerous. Do not travel at night and take local advice before deviating from the main Pan.American Highway. Travrl headlines 430 Front page 100 FC. 10 TV/Rbdio Wjathjt Main Menu
P483 CEEFAX 2 483 F 2 :44/ *  -l<-|,|T<l4| hT|Th4   6/21  CC NIGER (24/01/:7) 1/2 @@ Nigjz rrmains potentjpll= un;vaRle  continuing danger to travellers from political and ctimin1l elements, e6pjcially in the dj5ert areas. $(ore travelliLg outside Ni!Jey shound XRQT the British Imbpssz in Abidjan of thjhu ttavjl plans. Tel 225 226850 Political unrest asrocUated jijX recent legislative elections has caused uomj sttwet violence and attests throughout Niger. Travellers should proceim with extreme caution. Travel headline; 49( Fronz ppke 00 FCO 1( TV/Radio Wjathet Main Menu
P483 CJEFAX 2 483 Sun 16 Feb 21:41/58   21/21 '"£££"£££"£££  CP!PTA NEW GUINE! (11/0*W:7) 3O3 The rugged terrain and poor infra- strycture delays and restricts the auvjstance@jPbt ca^@dj givjm. @ Travellers should (ave provision for medtcpl evacuRtion in insurance  Before travelling to PNG, seek the latest loqal advice from the British High Cokmikvion bt Poet Motesby. Tel 67u 32k 1677 FaxC67k 32+ 3u47 @ @ @ @ W h R Travel headlines 430 Front page 100 FCO 10 TVORbdio Wjathjt Main Menu
P483 CEJFAX 2 483 Sun 16 Feb 21:45O37   U  :/21 " ££"£££" ££  ££ ££££ ££ ££££££££ N @ddph R RpS h Rd hp Thu p-litic\M bituhthPU ik cnct#tZin and occasio.ally tense. @ KA$]UZNfD@Z @VQUGQ@r.i@DA\@DBfU@r.k$@@@ occur ilsjwhjtj in Njgjtia. Harassment@bz policemen and soMdjer3 iu common throughout tXi country. Tratjl outside cities after dark is unsafe; even in daylight, armed holdups occur. d  Travel (jadlinjs 430 Front page 100 FCO 10 TV/Radio Wjathrz epin Munz
P483 EEJFBX 2 483 Sun 26 Fed 21:44/48  I  U 7/21 /"£££"£££"£££ F VEGES (24/01/97) 2/2 $ravellirs should be aware that Niger Yg ruNMUjS.G fr#[ VAZUNU b^d fo#d shortage. Following an epidemic of meningitis in Western Ajrica, intending travellers should seek medical advice. T(j BritisX riptesjntativj in Niger is t(e Honorary British Consml in Naimjy, til:C227 734051. He can provide limited help in an emjrgjncy. Travel hjQdlines 430 Front page 100 FC 20 TVORadio WeatPjt Main Menu
P483 CJEFAX 2 483 Sun 16 Feb 41:46/01    U 10/21   N GEAPA J18/1/226) 3/4 Fraud aka mst forpign businfstmen, offences. -ra6jllits to Singppoti whore  contacts should b coils b thoroughly. a If in doobt, uontact the D6jt o= —fahjnistannusjtr rNiteriV66j, Aon6, G172 21k 4844 ot advice. @ @ @ @ @ QTdhd$hdTdRh(adRdddhRR$dd@TRdRd@ddpbh@b router. Ot(its, including all Btiti3h +urtiits]Ru{j)kltetnstivj)romtiu]*V<76) ald Vt00,itninhNch the hr at is avsjssjm(as mrnjmal.  Travel hjaTlinjs 430 Front page 100 FCO 10 TV/ adio +jathjt MQig Menu
P483 CEEFAX 2 483 Sun 16 Feb 21:46/26 , V CS 22/21   NIGERIA (1</12/:6) 4/4   4hj British comm5nitz hQ2 been @inslruf Uh@.ot to ht vel on sucX@ airliner. Tr velleru should bear this advice in Zind w(en maKing their travel plans. @    @ @ @ @ @ Travel headlines 4s0 Front pbgj 100 FCW 10 *V/Ra$tg A+jathjt e0h& jun)
P483 CJEFA 2 483 Sun 26 Feb 22:46/u0  ] T   12/21 WR£££"££C"£££  PAR TBNL@R @ Thjtd are no particul!r 3ec4ritz problems in th parts o P kiktan most visited@by tourists. Although the situation in Karachi has iYpeoveH s\igXhly im@R23%I sporadic street violence, random shootings, and intermittent genital strikes still prevent the city from functioning entirely notmblly^ @ Armed car hijac+ing is on the increase. In Dicembjr 1995 thjte was a bomb plosio i the city cents . Travel headlines 430 Front page 100 FCO 10 TVORa$io +jathjt Main Mink
P483 CJJFAX 2 483 Sun 16 Fed 21:3</44 @ @ @ @   93/21 £££"£££"£££  PAKISTBN (10/2/97) 2/5 Visiting commercial representatives can contUnue to conduct busi.essL provided thbt they rimbin in the relatively sblk areas and check the security situation before travelling. Avoid arriving at night and ensuru y#u are mit at t(j@airport. Incidents of armed robbery & Kidnapping coLtinue to occur more ki.jrally in Sindh, Baluchistan and remote pbrts of North 'sst Frontier Province. Travel headlines 430 Front page 100 FCO 10 TS/Radio Wjathjt Main Menu
P483 CEEFAX 2 483 Sun 6 Fed 2):+9/38 3kj£3kj£3k l @   RW 14/21 "£££"3££"£££  PASISTbN (10/:/:7) (3/5 @ There continue to be sectarian attacks in the Punjab. $akj local advicu before visiting these areas.  Avoid sensitive areas near the uotdjrs with Iran, Afghanistan, India a^d the Kashmir Line of Control.  Use armed armed iscoyt; white necessary in Baluchistan and Sindh. Travel headlines 430 Front p5gu 100 FCO 10 TV/Radio Wjathjt Main Minz
P483 CJEF!X 2 483 Sun 26 Fed 42:39/04     1+O21   PASISTBN (10/2/97) 4/5 @ In the last njNj months of 1996 there was a series of bombs in Lahore and the Punjab, including one at Lahore Airport. O^ 18 Ubnubry a large bomb explojjd in Cjntt l Lahotj. BrJtimh natik.ylu wire no: specifically targetjed. Contact the British diplomatic mission in Islamabad, Tel: 822131-5 ot Karachi, Tel: 587 2431-5 for up-to-date loqal advice. ' Travel headlinj1 430 Front pQgj 100 FCO )0 TVORadio Weathjt Main Menu
P483 CEEFAX 2 483 Sun 16 FeR 21:39/27 j 3kj£3kj£3k  |h<l4| h4|,h4  'k j5 £}j k5"m'  ju 1 /2 PAGE\TBN (10O2/t7[ U/5 (kane\lies to PaKistan whose journey @ will involve overflight of Af£h1ni2tan should bj aware that thriatw from military acti jty to chvil air taft uvjng routes Vm68, A4n6, G402 and V848 exist. Some airlines continue to use vheuj routes. Othjts, including all British carriers, use alternatives router V876 and V500 on which the threal is asvjsvjd as miNimal. Travellers should check direct eithey with trave\ agents or(!irlinjs which routes individual ahzlinju are using. Travel headlinrs 430 Front page 100 FCO 10 TVWRadio Weathjt Main Menu
P483 CEEFAX 2 483 Sun 16 Fjj 22:40/21   'j $kt Dkj 'k  17/21 SS    PANAMA 7 1/:7R /2 Do not transYt the Darien Jungle to or from Colombia. Thjrj ard reports of Colombian gujttilla activity as far as 100km into Panambnian territory. 4 8 Three Amerjcpn miusion1ries were wereQkjhnbptje in PanbZb by Co\omeia^ gujrtillas im January 1z93 and have not yet been released. Assaults on viuitotu continue, particularly on or near the Bridge of the Amjticas, at the Pacific entrance of the ca#al.Q R h h p Travel headliner 430 Front page 100 FCO 10 TV/Radio +jathit Main Menu
P483 C EFAX 2 483 Sun 16 Feb 21:40/45 Wj£5kj£3kj£3k I   18/21   P A A ( 7/01 :7 2 2  Exercise caution and leave valuables b @ @ $akj qarj at "us 1tations n2 uhi& shopping in Panama City Canute (Avjnida Crnttal) bi wary — teams of muggers opjtati,@even duke^g daylight hours. J restaurants. @ W [ -ravel Xjadli^js Ts0Q Front pbgeQ10QQ
P483 CEEFAX 2 483 Sun 16 Fed 21:4)/09   Q  )9/2) '$£££"£R£"%££W"£33££R£££££££££££££££££££ P!PTA NEW GUINEA (11O02/97I 1O3 R   The law and order situation remains extremely poor. AiiaeWvL@vUPjc\e PUjafSv@ATd@rjrU#ue@ sexual assbzlts in and around the main towns are common. Incidents of rioting, looting and 3hootink can occur without wajnjng. Avoid travelling by road, e@@@cia@@y@@ @ @@@i@@la@d ar@a@@ @@@@@ where trPbal violence often flares. Port Moreqbz rem—ins under curfew between 2200-0400 as efforts to reduce criminal acti6ity continue. @ Travel headliner 430 Front page 100 FCO 10 TV/Rbdio Wjathjt Main Menu