P485 CEEFAX 2 485 Sun 16 Fed 21:43/36  (l<E|,|h<l4| h4|,h4   20/35   TJRVS AND CAICOS ISLANDS (9/1/97) The politicai siiuatiol o tim Tutkjs bnd C!icos slandu, but exereisj Z o s ns @ uihYtort shouldUyvo#Y poljtrka ralliiozatd mj\riggs on Zan sbar whute tenswon still Pxists. i w M Inced nus ofdmuggint and thef ri co mo , p c ally n u lic t a p r and b ach u. d R Hon acc@pt food from strang s as @ m be drug d. rm d car-th fts, particularly of 4WD vehgcleffioccur faiCly ft2que4tly 4 a d y @ accomp@n @d bz v o enci Travel headlines 430 Front page 100 FCO 12 #@ws Heads 'athju @MYii Mnn
P485 CJEFAX 2 48k Sun 16 Feb 21:44/00  )l<E|,|X<l4| X4|,X4   "m' sju 2'/25   TANZAN+A X2sO01O9/Q @ @ 2O3 4 p @@@@ @ Thjxe havr been 3everal incidents of armed banditry in the national parks. If approac(jh by policemen asking for money for alleged offences, insist on identification before goin to a polic slatiom to mRkj any pbymjnts. Rjporl @ all incidents to the British High Commjssio.. @ @ @ Visitors intending to travel to Kigoma, Ngara and Kagera districts in the north-west of the country and areas bozdjting Burundi should chick with the High Commission before travelling. Travel headlines ,30 Front page 100 ws H a a j M
P485 C FAX 2 4$*@Sun 16 FUe %2:)4/R/ X ]    LRLLOOO]O Next uxdate: Monday 1330 SNOW RJPWRT:1Unitjd States Frb 14   GOV 8jOj ^ VUSUU U @ Asxjn 170 175 Good Open Cloud -12C 13/2 Resort fully open, ftish powhjr. Beaver CrieS 1,0 170 Good Open Cloud -1*C 13/2 1k lifts and 1k85 acres open, great.   Breckenridge 1u0 210 Good Open Cloud -10C 13/2 1& HUDik bTL ") he—ULt Vp$L, JjUah- Data from Ski Club of GB Skiing 420 Stave\ 43p Main@index 100 +eekjnd News Hrads H Mahn Menu
P485 CJEFAX 2 48k Sun 16 Feb 21:   E  kj 'k j } 7k "m' s u 23/2  THAILAND (18/1/97) 1/3  Visitors should be aware that there are severe pe.alties foq all dr5F offe.ciR. Ovir3tayjnk vi3as can result in detention. @ Do nor accept food or drinks jtom strangest as it mar bj drugged. @ The standard of driving is poor@and tHjti have been several fatal bur cra[hes on Thailand'u roads. Particular care should be taken when swimming off the coast of Phukjt because of strong ripthdeu which have reeulteE in a numDjr@of drow.inks. Travel hjQdlinjs 430 Front page 100 FCO 12 News Heads +eathjt Main Menu
P485 CJEFAX 4 48* Sun 16 Jib 21:38/4,   We $kj $kj +k  8/25  C SPAIN (13/02O97) 3/5 Th@tj@are r@po@t@ t@@t@Madri@ t xi @@@ drivers will jwin the strike from MondazX R7 FjUtubry. @ @ Some 10 million British nationals are expected to visit Spain this year. They should be aware that in July and Au£sst C96 =TA ( hN Ba @u@ s@p@r tigt@ movement) reuumjd thjit campaign of setting oef sZall bombs in tourist resorts@with the aim of drsrupting the tourist industry.    @ Tzavel hrpdlinju 430 Front park 100 FCO 12 News Heads Wjathjt Main Menu
P485 CJJFAX 2 485 Sun 16 Fed 21:39/09 Wj£3kj£3kj£3k  J  9/2+   SPAIN (13/p2/:7R 4/k @ j worst inci t as a bomb at s Airport in north eastern Spbin@oN July 20 1:96 which injured a large number of people, including British holidpz-makjts. @ @ While the campbign in tourist resorts e^djh last summer, attacks ag!inst Shbnjuh targets and street violence in the Basrue cor^try and NavajjU (ave continued. ? On January 6 ETA launched five mortar bombs ag!inst installations at Madrid airport T jr wa little g a d no injury.  Qh h * h p Travel headlines 438 Front page 100 FCO 12 News Heads kjathjt Mpin Min5
P485 CJJFAX 2 485QSun 16 Fee 21:s0/67 C    11/25   STE LAMS! (17/01O:7I 1/2 T ) b While most areas ate unaffected, fighting between the security forces and the Tamil Tigjts (LTT") continues in the North and East. Do not visit these areas. @ @ R There have been no major bombing incidents in Colombo since July, 1:96 Fbuj the poyujbilitz of fuuuhjt inci$ents cannot be ruled o4t. Minimjsj iXj lime@spent jn CVlomdo. ! Thu south and centre of the Island, includinF !ll main tourist area5 and the Cultural Triangle are largel= u.affeeted. @ Travel headliner 430 Front page 100 FCO 12 News Heads +jQthjt Main Menu
P485 CJEFAX 2 48* Sun 16 Feb 21:)0OR2 3kj 3kj£3k < | |h l4| h4| h4 V@ U 1R/25 W"£££"£££"£££  S5J LANSA (17O01/97I 2/2 VirTuous to Rsi Lanka should note t(at thjrj are sjvjti pjnaltiiu for drug offences. @ @ in Colombo, Tel 437336, Fax 430308. @ @ @ @ @@ @@@@ @@ @ @ @ @@@ @@    1 b R d @ d @ @ @ @ FCN 24@ News Hcads Wear(jr Main Mink
P485 CJJFAX 2 485 Sun 16 Feb 21:41/10  [)l<I|,|h<}4|Qh4|,h4 Wj $kj $kj 'k  14/25   SUDAN (30/01O:7) 2O2 Othjt brias, i.cludinF ShartoiJ, are generally quiet although discretion @drek3.@BuoUd stjeeh@$emVmRtjatio.sL @ Disjrt ttavjl within Sudan should bj attempted only if fully equipped and experienced. Diujasjs causing diarrhoia are common, especially in outlying areas. $akj szitabli care with food and drink. All BrYtish vrsjtors should contact the British Em"assz in Khartoum ( Tel no: @70767 & 770769 e and keep in t sch throughout their stay. Travem hjaTlinju 430 Front page 100 FCO 12 News Heads Wjathju Main Menu
P485 CEIFAX 2 ,85 Sun 16 Feb 21:41/59 'j)3kj£3kj£3k  S UUSR@ 26O2* W"£££"£££"£££  S+AZILAND (11/02/97) 2/2 A general strike which started on brua z 3 has had littl ffe in urban Q{ja;.   RdTR hdRdbhh dd dRR0bh d Rd@d@d In the lowveldt tHere are widespread power cuts, and there is a risk that thjsj may spreQd.  a T @ ituation r main@ t n j n majo dPsruption is still possible. The airport remains open.  Visitors are advised to check tYj latest@sUtubtion before travelling. @ 3 Travel headlines 430 Front page 100 FC 12 News Heads Weathjt M!in Menu
P485 CEEFAX 2 485 Sun 16 Feb 21:42/47  )l<E|,|h<l4| h4|,h4 Wj $kj $kj 'k  18/25   SY IY The punishment for pousjusjon of drugs is life imprisonment. For drug trafficking the death pjnRlty applies. Gconsular zjctiwn of the BtitiyT bm2ass= in Damascus. Url 3712561/2/3 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ b @ Travel headliner *30 Front page 100 NC 24 NUws Heads Wealher MaiN Menu
P485 CEEFAX 2 485 Sun 16 Feb 21:43/11   'j $kj $kj 'k  19/25 R  @AmdiIoLBN (0$e0aO9Nu j h T F jign a d Commo w l fi advjsU agbinft blZ trpnjl t# Tbji+jstaN for the time being, owing to the current uncjutain Xolitic1l situation and escalating level of violence. @ @ Travel headliner 430 Front page 10Q FCO 22 News Heads 'eathjt Main Menu