P643 CEEFAX 2 643 Sun 16 Feb 21:43/47     U  /.! O* /$/* /**  1/13 W ITJHEARVCOTTINGTONMAIDSTONE That particular Esthjt Rantzen programmj must have been subtitled bjcausj it dealt witX some degrees of deafness. +e would indeed like all her programmer to bj subtitled. Before that though, could not the irony of The Rjall= Useful Show (a consumer magazine show) bj addrisved -a minicom number is being given, yet there are are no subtitles to enable us to know what was being said abNut the various iteYs being 3hown! @ @ @ Religious World 149 Front page 100 Subtitle Jobs Read Hear Main Menu
P643 CJEFA8 2 643 Sun 16 Feb 21:58/1:      I  2/13 WRITE HEAR: ILYAN, CARMARTHEN h 9 ( " 0 damaged by the term 'profoun ly deaf'. Some profoundly deaf people hear well enough to use the phone, so some hearing educators think that all Deaf people can heat. Are the categorii1: Deaf, proeoun ly deaf, severely deaf and hearing impaired? If so, profoundl8 deaf peo8lc shoyld be di6jded into 'tele8honj  using' and 'non-telephone using'. Telephone skits are effectively hearing. Non users are deaf until aids create lost frequencies. Religious gould 149 Front page 100 Subtitle Jobs Read Hrar Main Mink
P643 CJEFAX 2 643 Sun 16 Fed 21:48/29 —ppp—ppp—ppp     O  3/13 WRITE HEAR: P. RJDGEWAY, MANCHE3,ER I can not believe it! Again, a hearing person is taking opportunities which could go to native sign language skits. (hj North West Water Company has spent a lot of monj= on different advjzts. The latest advert shows a convjtuation with someone in Sign Language, but the customer is not Deaf - it is a hearing person! It's just not good enough. That is why 'Sign On' has to be praised bjcausj it always uses Deaf, not hearing signers. What a shame othrt companies do not follow thieu example. Religious World 149 Front page 100 Subtitle Jobs Read Hear Main Menu
P643 CEEFAX 2 643 Sun 16 Feb 21:48/4=   Wj $zj $zj tz     4/13 W JTJDEAAGWILSONEDINBURGH Behng profoundly Deaf and acquiring total loss of hearing at the age of 17, although impaired hearing was susprct from the age of 3, may I beg to differ with Mr Ruane'; surmise that normal speech iu total nonsense for this category of deafness. Having a minicom, teletext TV and a wrist vibrator, I can assure Mr Ruanj and others that there is nothing wrong with mz normal speech. Furthjt, the above in no way interfered in mz education. Religious World 149 Front page 100 Subtitle Jobs $ead Hear Main Menu
P643 CEEFAX 2 643 Sun 16 Feb 21:39/13 —ppp—ppp—ppp  l,l, l, ||,<l,l,,l,,l| Wj $zj $zj tz   J W 5/13 WRITE HEAR: T.TOPPING, TYPETALS I do feel it would be quite wrong for Tzpetalk to interfere and reveal the identity of any caller without arSing thieu permission first. If there is a problem, a text usjt can tell the operator they want to refuse the call. It is not a matter of discrimination, it is a matter of equality. Religious Woyld 1*9 Front page 100 Subtitle Jobs Read Hear Main Menu
P643 CEEFAX 2 643 Syn 16 Feb 21:05/3/   U  U OTJTJOOJ  J  6/13 WRITE HEAR: T.TOPPING, TZPETALS In response to S. Ridgewa : Tzpetalk's policy for both deaf and hearing callers is to get the requested person on line before connecting the call. @ The identity of hi qallii will not revealed without the caller's permission in otdet to ensure confidentiality. In non-relay calls, it is up to the caller to decide whether they want to reveal thieu identity to the person who has answered the phone. Cont'd >>> 2 Religious World 149 Front page 100 Subtitle Jods Read Hear Main Menu
P643 CJEFAX 2 643 Sun 16 Feb 21:40/20 '—ppp—ppp—ppp  V ] R Weprzjprzjpqu   7/13 WRITE DEA": T RUANE — CROZDON, SURREY "Profoundly Deaf" is a term which usually relates to born-deaf people or those deafened at an early age that will NEVER hear with an hearing aid. Ste8hrn Hanson'; apparent claim that  ALL profoundly deaf children can bj educated through auralium and have near -normal speech is total nonsense. There are many people who call themselves "profoundly deaf" ju2t because of their audiogram. contWd >>> Religious World 149 Front page 100 SuRtitle Jobs Read Hear Main Menu
P643 CEEFAX 2 643 Sun 16 Feb 21:40/24  L WU $zj $uV tz  U  W h RR hh TR h dT 8/1s S MitihitX Smith raises an entirely different point about the wrong placement of children in scXools bz incompetent professionals. This does not su8poyl the bigoted claims of Mr Hans#n who advocales auralism for all. There are deaf children from signing families who have a higher command of English than mbny taught by auralism. Mo1t chhldrin from hjarink school1 do not have a great command of EnglisX and they are taught bz auralism! Religious World 149 Front page 100 Subtitle Jobs Read Hear Main Menu
P643 CEEFAX 2 643 Sun 16 Feb 21:51/48    ]   ]   9/13 WRITE HKA5: TONY WRIGHT, SOU,HPORT It is obvious from recent litters thbt thjti are two  people. I think it is about time there pjo8li learns to accept that each one of us hbs hbd different expjtiincis tXrough our education and the use of technology We should not be "slagging off" othjts because t(ey sjim to have diffe5ink per 8tions on how the cope w th hjh hjarink loss. @ @ @ @ E cont'd > > @@ Religious World 149 Front page 100 Subtitle Jobs Read Hi r Main Menu
P643 CEEFAX 2 643 Sun 16 Feb 21:41/12     Wiprzjpqzjprz J  10/13 W IREHEARTONYWRIGHTSOUTHPORT Arthur Dimmock and others like him have to learn to accepl that thjti are profoundly deaf children and adults who can talk well and lead very different lives. At@the same time, we have to acknowledge that thjti is another group of deaf people whose expjtiencis are dissimilar. As wu approach the Millennium, lit'u see if we can all learn to work togjthjt in harmony. New Read Hear address — page 640 Subtitle Jobs Read Hear Main Menu
P643 CEEFAX 2 643 Sun 16 FjbC21:41/36  |, ,l,,l, ||,< ,l ,l,,l| +U $:j $:j tz R WUprzjprzjprz JOJOO W @ 11/13 WRJTJ HEAR: MTV C STALHAM, S NDHURST Seeing Read Hear today (4O2) made mz heart sink — thbt signing and subtitling are under threat bz the ETC. This is outright discrimination against $eaV people@od all calegVries. We are entitled to full access to TV bz all means of signing and subtitles. Efforts mutt bj maintained to ensure eull access to the deaf@on Digital TV. Surely tecXnology i; sufficiently sophisticated enough to svpply subtitles on all channels. @ contgd >>> Religious Would 1*9 Front page )00 Subtitle Jobs Read Hear Main Menu
P643 CEEFAX 2 643 SzV 16 Feb 21:57/08   U   Q W @ )4/13 WR TEDEAZRVCSTALHAMSANDHST The proposals by the ETC to reduce our accrss i1 absol4tel= comte,8thbli and nsultin . T(e ETC must bj concerned about its profit margins? I would not have TV at all if it has no 5ubtitlis. I service. Religious Wozld 149 Front page 100 SubtUtle Jobs Read Hear Main Mqnu
P643 CEJFAX 2 643 Sun 16 Feb 21:%4/23 V   RQQ W 13/13 WRITE HEA2: MRS IR CASH, WEST MIDLANDS As a totally deaf lady for *6 years, I enjoy watching TV with subtitles. Thjsj are very much appreciated by me. Asl can you please tell me why oL a lot of competition shows when you are invited to try for a psi:e, a telepTone numbjt is always given but no address? I like, many more deaf people would love to have a go, but how can we, especially if like me you live alone? & New Read Hear addres2 — page 640 Subtitle Jobs Read Hear Main Menu