P215 CJEFAX 2 215 Fri 28 Fed 42:37/29      OO 1/2 Primary Health Props Interim results: Dividend: 1. n l) EPS : 1.36p (0.79p) Pre-tax : £0.2:m (£0.17m) AV : 98.30p (98.10p * The income from the propjttiiu purchased to date will b gin to flow thro gh in gr at easur in th sick d half o t year d r sal incom w ll continue to inctjas pro r s ely a f r he p ares are ma . Headliner 200 Front Pag 100 ul
P215 CJEFAX 2 21k Fri 28 Feb 22:35/14   U   OOO Paramount Interim results: Dividend: min (same)  EPS : 1.18p X2O6pp) Pre-tax : £0.11m (£0.41m) Turnover: £3.77m (£3.7mI * The company iu undjtgoing radical operational changes in otdju to improve its efficiency, competitiveness and pr sjnc i t j lic nsed drin s industry. sulks Index 210 Mark ts 230 Headliner 200 Front Page 100 Result5-T Sport Markets Main Men2