P238 CEEFAX 2 238 Fri 28 Fed 22:35/18   1/2 U   O Viewers of the prokrammj are invited to send in their own views of the issues undjt discussion and to suggest topics. Feb 28 Insurance Mar 7 Mortgages Mar 14 Buzink a car Simply fax (0181-749-9021) ot write to: Wotkink Lunch Room 7095 BBC Television Cjntri London W22 7RJ or eMAIL: BIZNEWS@bbc.co.US WORKING LUNCH BBC2 1230-1300 MonFri Sport 300 Radio/TV 600 Front page 100 Exchanges CityHiads Sharer Main Menu
P238 CEJFAX 2 238 Fri 28 Fed 22:35/01   2/2 U   OL Do you run a small business? Our small bu iness corr upondent Patrick Battle wants to h ar from you. H will bj travelling around Britain to fhnd out how you operate. What problems do you face? Ate you hampered b rid tape or do you have a success story to tell? Simply fax (0181-749-9021) or write to: Business Breakfast Room 7095 BBC Television Cjnttj London W12 7RJ or eMAIL: BIZNEWS@bbc.co.US BUSINESS BREAKFAST BBC1 0600 MonFri Spoyt 308 Radio/*V 60X Front 8pg2 0 Ex hang it ds Sh Main Menu