P433 CJEFAX 2 433 Fri 28 Fed 22:3-/13 U 'U@LSV@(kV WS @@RJU@ Clarvjc@C l(eriNj CooksoL — a lo d f South West $rains 03,% 48 49 50 Dui to a mQjor ovjrtun of Railtrpck engineering works at BtooQwood, sey6ieju bet{jjn Wo)hn£ % FR are szbject to drnp|;& 1ltitQtiwn; p/d oqcpsion1n q ncill1ttmn;. Alton and Farnham sjtviciu are being divjyted via Guildford with journr8 i I Th h h Trave\ heads 4s0 IC 4s4 5O6 R Inuit!itz +jathru 40([ —-UP433 CEEFAX 2 433 Fri 2 Feb 22:95/55 3kj£3 j£3 l< | |h< 4| h4| h4 U AU8dated: 22:42 Connjx South Cjnttal 0345 48 49 58 Eollowink srt6iqr2 whll q lm additionally at Plumpton today for the race meeting. 0947, 10,7, 2147, 1247, 9347, 1447 Victoria to Hasthnks dj8artink Plu*8to& 1844 pnd ho4rl= until 1544. 1023, 1123, 1223, 1323, 1423 Hastings to Victoria departing Plumpton 1127 and hourly until 1527. Thjuj trains are in addition tw vhs normal sjtvices that call thjtj. Travel heads 430 IC 434 6/6 Reg.Rbil IntixCity Weathjt 400s A-Z