P462 CEEFAX 2 462 Fri 28 Feb 22:34/25 Wj£3kj£3Sj£3k      @@@@ 5/7 Department of Health Adviqj G4idj Formrz io6iet Union  Diphthrria exidrmics continue in thu 2usrian edjtatioL and Ukraine, and have spread to njigXbouring states. Visitors to blZ newly indepj^dent Stater of the former So6ijt Union are advised to check they have been immunjsed against diphtheria. A.zone planning to live or work with local people should have had a diphtheria vaccine within the last 10 years. Travel headlines 43( Front page 100 Gabs 1 Szott AWrathut GMain Mun;
P462 CEEFAX 2 464 Fri 28 Feb 2:34/49 'U£sSe£3+j£3S QXX  X    6/7 Department of Hr ltd Adviqi Gzidr  Tajikistan A.@outbreaK of dUarrhoia haT been reported since mid-May 1996, some at liasl due to typhoid fever. hhj ouldreaR has been caused by coLtamjNation of sources oe drinking watex following hjavz r—inf lly ipzliey in the year. ,ravellirs ate advised to bj immunisjd against typhoid and to take scrupulous care o6et food, drink and pjtso.al hygiene. Trpvel hjpdlinru 43( Fronv 81sj 1X8 adv 2 @ 'p#rt WeQt(jt Main MeNu