P523 CEJFAX 2 523 Fri 28 Feb 22:34/05  1/ X RHYME   G  O   RHYTHM    ^C   LAUGHS      ^ DET—IFS FOR    FEB 27 PROG MME This week'u show came from thu Irish countryside with Donna Kqachan Qnd some local children. It opened with a poem bz Jackie Sa= called FOUR EIGHT TJMELCthjn AINA was written b= Spike Mhlligan, whelk RAIN MUSIC was by Michelle Magorian. Niwsround 510 Live and Sicking 530 CBBC Text 500 Backchat 506 Comp 507 BluePitet Com8 CBBC Tr|t Main Mqn;
P523 CJJFAX 2 523 Fri 28 Feb 22:36/24  2/4  RHYME     O   QHYTHM   LAUGHS       DETAILS FOR    FEB 27 PROG AMME The poem called WHO HAS SEEN THE WIND? was bz Christina Rossetti and the poem about a strange creature called THE W NDIB was by OgdUn Nash. @@ @ TOASTY TKAS$\ PURE ROCKSAwas wrhtte& b8 orr pjrfotmbNci poet, DonNb Krac(an especially for the programmi and FACES was b= Sue Cowling. Newsround 510 Blue Peter+s pages 525 CBBC Text k10 Backchat 516 Comp 507 BlurPjtjy Comp A!BBa T5|t GM0i& Mun2
P523 CIEFAX 2 u23 Fri 28 Fib 22:35/13  3/4 O RHYME     O   RHYTHM   L UcHS   W    DETAILS FOR    FEB 27 PRWc MME MiSj StarKey wrote AT FIRST IT DIDV'T MAT—Ed. It was followed bz Rig Ma all's reading of H5 MAN IN THE MOON '3TA9ED UP T LATE bz@ TS Q The final poem was +RA0 IT UP by bz Neil Johnston. $ @ @ Njwuround 51/ Live and Kicking 53 CBBC Text )00 BackchatB506 aomp 507 BluePjtet Comp CBBa hjxt Main Min2
P523 CEEFAX 2 523 Fri 28 Feb 22:34/0 R RHYME   TB  O   RHYTHM  US LAUGHS       DETAILS FOR    FEB 27 PROG AMME Next wiik, Mig Scarlet takj1 off in his mind and imagination whjtj hj too discovers himself in the city of  dreams like "The Jackdaw of Rhjims". Tune in oL BBC1 al the same time next week — 3.50pm. Niwsround 510 Live and Kicking 530 CBBC Text 500 eackchat 506 Comp 507 BlujPetir Comp CBBC Text Main Menu