P552 CEEFAX 2 552 FrY 28 Feb 22:39/45 '' ' '' ' X FILMS on gjnjyal R N rjliasj 2/5 PORTRBIT OF A L!DY (12) Nicolu eidm1n pla:s headstrong Isabrl archjz who rejects marriage only to come a croppez in this Henry James period piece from director Jami Campion (The Piano). POWDER (12) A mishmash of sci-fm and halfIbakjd mysticism about a youth who was born haiylius and powder-white of skin. Othjt kids tXink hi'u a fxjak b4t a teacher take; an i&teti1t in him. THE PREACHER'S 'IFE TU) Courtnj= Vance plays a ptiachjt wXo prays for help wXjn his church is hXreatinjd bz a property spjqulatot and i; rewarded. Pop Quiz 562 A-U 599 Pop Chart 565 Lottery Lottery CookBook Main MenuP552 CJEFAX 2 552 Fri 28 Fed 22:34/09 S X CFILMS on genjyal ££" !££"££"" !££ ruliase 3/5 $ANSOM X15) Thriller starring Mel Gibson as a highJdlying aiQline tycoo& who takes drastic measures aftjy his son is kidnapped for a $2m ransom. low-key story abo1t an Irish-American family, buoyud u8 b= succrssfun one-liners and a watchable cast. SHINE X12) Australian filmJmakink reaches new hjikhts in this stor8 of pianist David Hulfgott's sttugk\i whth Rental i\lnjss. Geoffrey Rush and Noah $azlor turn in excellent pjtformanciu. Film 97 542 Biz 566 TV Choice 593 ] Pop Que: 564 A-Z 599 Pnp Chart 565 Lottery Lottery CookBook Main Min)P552 CJEFAX 2 552 Fri 28 Fed 42:34/54 ^ CFILMY wn genjxpl M rulip3u SU VIVINCPEASROTBUT 5W5 Hopkins turns in a good pjtformancu as rand= P blo, b4T the film fahl1 to up to expectations. 4 TH HING Y D TPG) The sro z of j riyj tg famr, and rjt4rn tg gusq5rht8 of a small-town roqk band. Likjablu ybrn starting Tom Hanks. WHITE MAN+S BU$DEN X15) John Travolta is the caucasian in qurution who lo1j1 his job, his home and almost his f0mhl8 tXanks to boss Harry Bilafonte in a will-keaNing but unsuccessful spin on the blight of racial dtycrimination. Film 97 542 Bi: 566 TV Choiqr 595 Pop Quiz 562 !-Z 599 Pm8 Chart 565 Loutut8 Loutjt8 ACookBoo) BM0i& Min4