P563 CEEFAX 2 563 Frh 28 FeR 22:34/3 RADIO        OO   O +£££££££££  1O3 THE SPICE GIRLS wets dutjrminud ngu tg miss a chance to meir The Artist Formerly Known as Prince at Top of the Pops rehearsals this week. Scary Spice MEL B told The NET: "Hi's a very nice gu=...quitd shy, quite normal — more normal than you'd think hj is. "'j did say to him, 'What do wd call you?' and he said, 'Yo4 ghul1 can c ll me a friend.' I thought that was sweet. "It's nice to midt pjm8li who are dohnk something for the public and the woyld" The NET: R2 at 1.1kpm, 5.15pmL 12.15am CBBC 500 Pop Quiz 562 Top 40 565 The Biz 566 FrontPage 100CFilm97 542 Reviews The Bi4 The Box Main Min2
P563 CEEFAX 2 563 Fri 28 Feb 22:33/,9 RADIO    T -      OO O GOO  MUSIC NEWS from Radio One £££££££££  2O3 WA5REN G has told The NET that his n xt ambition is to take a shot at acting. The rappjt — still Top 10 whth "I Shot the Shjtiff" — has alrjadz made guest appjaranciu in TV shows in the US. But hj now plans to tacklu a role in a biopic of OP5AH 'JNFREY. "They want me to play hit boyfriend at a yo8nk age, an4 I'm vhjnkink abo4z going to acting school and ttyink tg  get that part," he revealed. The NET: R1 at 1.15pm, 5.15pm, 12.15am CBBC 500CPop Quiz 562CTop 40 565 The Biz )66 FrontPage 100AFilm97 5  Re6iiws Thu Bhz The Bg| BMai& Mpn2
P563 CEJFAX 2 563 Fri 28 Feb 22:34/11 RADIO        O  O  MUSIC NEWS from O   3O3 MICHAEL JACKSON has given a vhdeotaped testimony in a court case against him. Five formjt employees claim vhj8 whui fired or forced to quit thieu jobs at his Nivjuland rancX. They say this was bjcausj thi8 cooperated i& an invj1tig1tio& i&tg child molestation accusations against the star. Jackson said hj was nor invol6ud in thu day-to-day running of Nivjuland. Thu NET: R) at 1.158m 5.158m, 2' 5am CBBC 500 Pop Quiz 562 To8 40 565 The Biz 566 FrontPage 100AFhlm97 5  Reviews The Biz The Box Main Min2