P567 CEEFAX 2 567 Fri 28 Feb 22:34/12 . .: *.  *O: . T 1/4  *    . : Q *  U  V LONG WAIT FO GRJGORZSGIRLFOLLOUP Paramount Picturi1 has digit lly remastered The Godfather and whlm ri-release it in Amjtica on Marah 21, in time for its 25th anniversary. The soundtracQ on Franqi; Foyd Coppola's Oscar-winner has been remastered and new prints are been£  struck from the origi.al negatives. Paramount has no doubt been enco4rpged a= the sucqeus ov Star War1 and The Empire Striker Bpck. The ri-issuru 1zi No 1 and No 2 in tXj US Top 10 fhlms. Nrws 101AFrgnt  180AQpozz 30 Music )60 The Biz 566-8 TV News 591 The Biz Freetimj BB!1 TV Main Min5
P567 CEEFAX 2 567 Fri 28 Feb 22:35/(8 . .: *.  *O: . -  3/4  *   F O *    OV who can till whim people are lying. REEVU'S DIRECTING CA EEKSTTOEXD Superman actor Chriutophjt Rreve is to dirrat Tell Mi True, a film about a man Hi agreed to detect the film before hj was paralysed in a hot2e riding acqidrnt in 1995. Rji6j  TV film In the Gloaming. @ @ @ @ @ @ @ And hj is still deciding whjthjt to accept an offer to star in a remake of Alerjh Hitchcock's classic "ear 'endow. @ @ News 101CFront Page 140 Eilm 97 541 Music )60 The Biz 566-8 $V News 591 The Biz Friitimj BBC1 $V Main Menu
P567 CEEFAX 2 567 Fri 28 Feb 22:33/48 . .: *.  *.: .  4/4  * -    . : O *    V EARL S B TT T O S S—Y STUDE TS Students at Oxford Uni6jrsit= hpvu decided that thu Biatlru wjte bittut than Oasis — 1ftiu a hr tdd de0 tu.   The Wxfoyd Union voti4 190-69 in f1vo4y of the Fab Four after taking into account such things as styli, celidrit8 aura and t1lunz for qau3unk sqpg41l. Noin and Fiam') bros(jt, P04n, join5d rock critics and musicologisls but was unQbli to swing the vote. Oases release thrir new single soon. News 101 Front Pagr 100ASpoyt 301 Music 560 The Biz *66-8 TV News 591 The Biz Ftiitimj BBA1 TV Main Menu