P573 CJEFAX 2 573 Fri 28 Feb 22:37/42 , ,< < < | < |,,,| ? w 1/       with Prof Stefan Buc:acre   ÷<  Ornamental garden hint:  During mild spells use a Q rotas law owe adjust to its higheul blade setting to collect twigs and other debri1 from the lawn. Worm casts, too, can bj a nuisance as they will smear and cause muddy patcXjs w j w ds n a li h. Th pl n is to s a ste f broo o b om to disperse them. B4t donCt use wot, killit2 g& your law& as worms ard inv1luabli in aiding aeration of turf-  Switched On 540 Cookery )80 TV 600 Main Menu 100 House pl1nt hint > G's World CVokBook Eave Film Maim Min2
P573 CEEFAX 2 573 Fri 28 Feb 42:35/81   2/4    OOL  with Prof Stufan Buc: cki    House plant hint:   The surface of the compost  in pots of house plants can become hard and crusted after weeks of w rmth and lYttli watit during the winter. U3j an old kitchen fork to gently brjpk 48 thu y4zfaci ct52v, b2v b5 careful not to damage the roots. They will enable air and water to ripch the roots of the plpnt1 and thu disturbance also maker the compost less attractive for soil-in(abiting pests such as fungus flier. Switched On 540 Cookjty indj| 580 Front page 100 Kitchen gatdjn > > G's World CookBook Fave Film Main Menu
P573 CEEFAX 2 573 Fri 28 Feb 22:33/+p   3/4   (' L  with Prof Stefan Buczacki       Kitchen garden hint:      Thjte's nothing like the taste of the first broad brant. Plant; sown in the autumn under cloches will now have emjtgjh and should bj given a little water if the soil is dry. Othjt varieties can now bj sown directly outside in prepared soil. Sow in double rows with 20qms between seeds and 90cms between each double row. Am n m r ommj d r ti Jubilee Hysot and Imperial Green Longpod. Front pbgj 100 Plant of 'eek >>>>> G's Wot\d CookBook Fave Fil[ Main Menu
P573 CJEFAX 2 573 Fri 28 Feb 22:34O14   4/4  L   I  with Prof Stefan Buc:acre  Q   Plant of the week  W*Qj)+5"% At this time of the year, the most attractive trees in the garden are those with strikingly coloured bark. Thjti are few more dramatic exam8lis than Prunus sjrrula, the $tbetan cherry. Its rich, copper= bark shines in the winter sun and in6ites yo4 to stroke it. The Tibetan chjtry will grow in almost all types of soil and although they are rather expensive, they will repay you many timer in years to come. Main menu 100 Ornamental gardens >>> G's World CookBook Fave F Main Menu