P576 CEEFAX 2 576 Fri 28 Ftb 22:35/4] WVS XX ' SMALL CHANGE Q@UO O DIFFERENCE @ RED NWSE DAY MARCH 14TH '97 Comic Relief i; back with its 3m|th Red Nose Day on March 1*. It's BIG and it's FURRY wish a fpb nrw SH—GcY no9j! The last five Red Nose Days have raised more thbn £112m — every shnkle 0jnnz maKing t(j diffiujnch between hope and despair, and sometimes life and death, for thousand2 of the UK and Africa. Q TV 600 CBBC TjxtA500 Front Ppge 100 Showbiz 540 Lgttety 555 Fhlm 97A541 CookBook Switah On Lottut8 TV/RadioP576 CEEFAX 2 576 Fri 28 Feb 42:33/)8 2/6 W Rjh Nose Day — March 14 The last Red Nose Day in 1995 raised more than £22m and there wire some 100,p00 jvjnts throughout tXj US. This year we want you to think of soIethink fun yK1 would enjo8 doing foq Comic Relief, get everyone you know to s8onsot yo4, then send i& thu cash! (o git hold of our totally fret fundraiuink pack, call 0891 90 0000 and oudrt a copy. Call1 co1t 45pOmin cheap rate and k0pOmin at all otPer timer. Showbiz 5 Lottery 555 Fhlm 97 541 CookBook Switch On Lottery TVWRadioP576 CEEFAX 2 576 FrY 28 Feb 42:34/38 5/7 ' ^RR OO Red oort Dp= — M I Having cooked up 12 new recipes foy hjz NCDS iu curtjmtly the fastest-3jlling book in the US, selling more thbn 30,000 copies a da<! The boggle|0qoyt; £ whuh the f4fm £1 soink to Comes Ruliif. It's available from Sainsbur|'s WH Smi5h'1, John Min:jru i& Scotl1nd, Wellworths in Northern Ireland and Savacinttj. TV 600 CBBC TfxtA500 Front Page 140 Showdiz 5*0 Lottery 555 Film 97 541 CookBook S{htah0O& Fgztrt8 TS%R14tgP576 CJEFAX 2 576 Fri 28 Fib 22:35/02 5/6 ' [ '?!p"?!p"o 2a 5 ?!p"* 0"5 p* 5 5 p5 p= OO Red Nose Day — March 14 (hj Spice Girls have also co-e face to face with The Sugar Lumps (Jennifer Saunders, Dawn French, Kathy Burke, Lulu and Llewella0Gldron). $hey all got togethjt to make a special Red Nose vidro. It's the video for the official Comie Relief single "Who Do Yo4 Think You Ate?". The single is released on Monday, March 3. TV 600 CBBC Text )00 Front Pagr 100 "Xowdiz 5%0 Lottery 555 Film 97 541 CookBook Switch On Lottery TV/