P617 CJJFAX 2 617 Fri 28 Fed 22:35/24  —————————————————————————————   OPEN.SATURDAY    —pp——ppp—————p—pp——pp—t 3/5 Eor an open.saturday information pack, rink: 0160   quoting rjfitince OSTCF. @ or you can coLtact us using any oe the following (quote rjfipinci OSTCF): E-mail: cjs-gen@oprn.ac.uk intitnjt: h6tp:/Owww.open.ac.ukOspturdayO The Open +njvjtsjty (O3,7A PO Box 625 Mhlton Sjynju MK1 1TY @ BBC1 vp1 BBC4 &14 ITV 603 Ch4 604 Front page 100 Sport 300 Weathjt 400 Holida= Lifulinj Toddlurs CTV Link1
P617 CEEFAX 2 617 Fri 28 Fib 22:35/47    p—ppppppppppppppppppppppppppp   OPEN.SATURDAY U OW  ———p—p———pp—ppp———————— 3/k Virtually the Grand Tour - 1 March Europe ri-visited, using computer technology and telifision to travel at will through space and tYme. The journey traces the footsteps of past ttavjllits who toured the artistic sights of France, Italy and beyond to complete thjiy education Designs on Inno61tion - March How rd Stablifoud vi;it; the Gtjat British Innovation and Inventions Fair at the Barbican to explode the m=th of a mad scientist inventing im a garret. Fraturink the work of Thomas Edison and James Dyson. BBC2 601 BBC2 682 ITV 603 Ch4 604 Front page 100 Sport 300 Weather 400 Holiday Lifeline Toddlit1 TV Links
P617 CEEFAX 2 617 Fri 28 Feb 22:34/01  ———pppp———————ppppppp—ppppp—p   OPEN.SA$U2DAY    ——————————————————————— 4/k Learning to Live - 15 March A quesl to discovjt how we remember and how wi learn. Whither it'1 tiachink a robot to paint, rjachin£ the minds of ads jh children or explai ing the talents of musical prodigies, thjtj's more to learning than you think! Hackjxs and Crackers - 22 March What links artificial intelligence, Internet security and genetics? A voyage of discovetz from tXj sjatjt home of the war-tUne codeIbreakits througX the highways and byways of computing history to today's world of cuRative computing. BeC1 601 BBC2 682 ITV 603 Ch4 604 Front page 180ASpott 300 +jathrx 408 Holida= Lifeline To%dlut; TS Finks