P651 CEEFAX 2 651 Fri 28 FebC22:34/36 X  R   OOOO CALLS UP, VOLUNTEERS DOWN 1/ The Samaritans has launched its biggest recriitmtnt drive to enco4rage 10,000 people to volunteer for the charity. 'ith calls to the Samaritans up b= 23% in the last d q1da and k l4/knit dws 8i im two years, the charity is sp nding #100,000 on the cpmpai n. National and rtgional prpus and r1$il advertising is supportnd bj a nationan volunteering line - 0990 627282 - to  promote Opjtation 10,000. ColunteiMs ate needed lo help fu draise as w ll as listen to call4ts. CSV index 651 TV 601BMain menu 100 "ead Hear 640 Mews 101 +jathjt 400 Feature TV/Radio News Heads Main Menu
P651 CEEFAX 2 651 Fri 28 Feb 22:35/02      OO O SEA CHISONFORPOETOFTHEYEAQ If you are a budding Byron ou a closet Seat;, now iy the time to get your poems out and whn a prize. Publisher Forward Press is searching ivjtz region to find the besl poet and an anthology will bj published with cash prizes for the winnjts. You can submit up to two poems  longer than 30 lines. Entries must be sent bz 14 March 1997 to Forward Pteus, Nation'u Poit1, 1-2 'ainman Road, Woodston, Pjteqborough PE2 7BU; tel: 01733M230759. CSV index 650 TV 600BMai& munu 10X Read Hear 640 News 101 Weathjt 408 Feature TV/Radio News Heads Main Mink
P651 CEEFAX 2 651 Fri 28 Feb 22:33/43 T     OOL OO CELJBR—TJ WITH THE NSPCC Instead of celebrating a special make a donatioL to the NSPCC. The 'Cjledrate whth the NSPCC' schrmj aims to avoid unwanted prtuentu b8 getting friends to support their work. When you register, the NSPCC whll acknouledge donations whth 1 spjqial thank you card and a list of pjo8li who conntrib4ted for yo4.  Eor more information and a Celebrate with the NSPCC leaflet, contact Janet FBroadmore, NSPCC, tel: (171-825 2646. CSV index 659 TV 680BMain menu 100 Read Hear 648 Nrws 101B+j this 400 Feature TV/  News Heads Main Mans
P651 CEEFAX 2 651 Fri 28 Fer 22:35/55   L  WW L OOO The song zhr4;h iu Brmt0in'; fpvo5ritu songbird and the robin is its mort beautiful acqouding to a MWRI poll. (hj survey was comducteh for tXj Royb\ Society for the Protrqtion of Biyds and BBC Education whose new ,V guidr i; gBiuding with Bimm Wddie'. The new six part sjtiis was filmed o6ju eokr sjasNLs iL@tUx locations. @ A biudwatchink starter pack is available fuji from Birding wizh Bill Oddii, RSPB, Dept o3441, The Lodgu, +aNdy, DihfordvPire SG1: 4DX @@ @ @ $ CSV index 650 TV 600 Main menu 100 5ead Hear 64p News 101 WeatXjt 401 Feature TV/Radio News Heads Main Men2