P643 CEEFAX 2 643 Fri 28 FjbC21:17/07 ULV  Ups jpr p O*% $/* /.! $ /*  1/7 WRITE HEAR: MRS E. LINES, CWLCHESTER ControvjtszL you say? Uh, huh! The number of pages of OU  have grown. The proportion oe pager of litters continues tg bj less than the pages of joTs for hearjnk people. Thjsj shound, in all honrsty, appear i& the prius, cmnsiderink the dig(ju cwst of glamourous screen time. Thjuj charitable, voluntary and Govt. organisbtions are supposed to bj strapped for cash. Are they paying or are they enjoying free air time? @ @ @ Religious Wozld 149 Front page 100 Subtitle Jobs CRjad Hear Main Munu
P643 CEEFAX 2 643 Fri 28 Fed 21:21/02     U ] O '"JTE HEAR: T. RU CR YDWN A. Wilson claims to have bjeL totally deaf from the ag of 17 and sbys "the j is nozhink wton with my normal s8jich" Profissionbls worKing witX t Deaf assure me that vjn with P R J LL A N p opl , n at i how good tXeir speech is, it is njvjt gnormal'. You n l t l th d f Th are a lot of very sad profou/dly draf people around who ar ndj an ills i & about their speech. Continues >>> Religious World 14: Front page 100 Subtitle Jobs ARjad Hear Main Menu
P643 CJJFAX 2 643 Fri 28 Feb 21:12/14   U  WUprzjprzjpqz O  3/7 WRJTJ HEAR: T. RUANE, CROYDON (Cont) W(jn people say "you speaR very well", they leave off the second part of the sentence, whicX is "for a deaf person". WRJTJ DEA GNOONLIVERPOOL S. Hanson'u view that childrins speech can bj normalisjd through auraliujh education i3 rubbish and ignorant. Deaf children at Mirseysjde Deaf C ntuj are proof that the childrun who gain the most normal speech possible are those who use signs AND lipreading. The use of both forms of communication ar th mo njfic a t d d Religious Wo ld 149 Front par 100 Subtitle Jobs Read Hear Main Menu
P643 CEEFAX 2 643 Fri 2 FjbC 1:12/32   U  WUprzjprzUprz OQO W 4/7 'RJTJ HEAR: J. CRAW, EASTBOU2NE Any research entailing the eradication (wiping out) of the deaf gjnj must bj sjin as URGENT and a God given need. That wo1ld keep even lius babier from jink dir sly indi sly born with disabilities that leave them to grow up with no hearing andOou speieh. The ability of the deaf communit= to maintain born deaf influx is, in mz n on 80 a r ul o pro a t n Xruproducink) via the history of the deaf gjnj. Continues >>> Religious Would 149 Front page 100 Subtitle Jobs H Main Mrnu
P643 CEEFAX 2 643 Fri 28 FjbC21:13/10  U j tz  2{5k4 :5 {5{% 'Uprzjpqzjpqz Q 5/7 WRITE HEAR: J. CRAWL EASTBOU5NI (Cont) I blame the BDA, past and present, for hjlpjng to ctjate deaf people with a sjle imposed kind of Aimiyh Soqiet=. Howe6ju, come whQt ma= - the boutwm line is this: WHE EONEARTHISTHEMORAL propagaling offuprjng with nk hearing andOou speech, solely for the purposj1 of maintaining all this nonsense of a "Proud to bj Deaf" society?! Religious Wo ld 149 Front page 100 Subtitle Jobs H Main Menu
P643 CEEFAX 2 643 Frh 2 Feb 2 : 3/54   l,l,,l,,||,< ,l,,l,,l| UU    7 WRITE HEAR: J. SHAW, OLDHAm Mrs I. R. Cash who complained about TV competitions being limited to telephone answers should bj advised that they are nothing but a confidence trick. The answers are always oR6ious and are only a "come on" to induce one to waste money on premier rate phone calls. All answers go into the hat and psi:eu are awarded at the whim of an organiset The questions ate being posed purely to get out from the gaming acts - t call the swim li a game of skill. Religious Would 149 Front page 100 Subtitle Jobs CRjad Hear Main Mun*
P643 CJEFAX 2 643 Fri 28 FjbC21:17/03 W—ppp—ppp—ppp  U F {5k4 z51{5{% U W  7/7 WRITE lEAR: M. J— IS, EWPORT Insurpnce companies now demand genetic test data bjforj allowing claims. This may mean parents carrying tXj deaf gene wYll have huge problems. If gene thitapz allows the safe remo6 l oe jhj deaf gene, then those demanding coLtUluation of ij wUll@lo1d al\ theYr rights to insurance and support. The= whll al o  vjt8 s st m that maintain the 'A*jtural Deaf+ way of life - no Go6junmjnt wo4ld paX for iu if disability was deliberately chosjm eitXjr. @ @ & ComN2nity Pager 6)0 Environment 148 WF Subtitle Jobs ad H ar Main Menu