P547 CEEFAX 2 547 Fri 2 Feb 22:29/56 O  OOO 2/2  '      rys% ÷7 O DOUtD, a 3js. i directed by brothjts Larry and Andy 'achowskh, i1 rime.iscent  gang;tet pix Warner Brothers turned o4t But of course the brothjts Warner, like Queen Victoria, would have insisted that lesbianism was unthinkable and thjtjforj one of the character1 wo4nd no doubt have been a man. B4t thi1 sexuadl9-liberated 901 vet3ig& works fhne aId is nicel= played b8 bot, the women (though Telly's voice does grate) and, after a while, Pantoliano. BOUND opens Friday 28 Fedruar= ,op 10s 552 TV Comment 592 Biz 566 TopFilm Backbeat Freitimj Main Menu