P506 CJEFAX 2 506 Fri 07 Mar 21:11/03        TELL THE NATION WHAT'S ON YOUR MIND! This is your section. We want you to fill BACKCHAT's pages with your views on the news, issues or just about anything — serious or light-hjartid. Call our 24-hour line 0181-576 9470, write to us at Backchat, Cjefax, Room 7013, BBC TV Cjntte, London W22 7RT or fax us on 0181-225 6737. Keep your comments short and snappy (maximum 40 words) and leave your name, age and address. Wj can only screen a selection of your comments.  ASK PERMISSION TO USE THE PHONE 1/5 Freud batch of comments every day Comp Newsround TopFilm Main Menu
P506 CJEFAX 2 506 Fri 07 Mar 21:10/14        I thin/ anzonj who sl ts off thp Spice Girls is just jealous!  Sharon (19), Newcastle  Ian (5 3), u' no th o l p in the world who doesnWt go out and get drunk every night. I don't and all mz friends think I'm really sad, but I thjnR I'd rathjt save my money and go on holiday and have a good time then. Kerry (20), Manchester  Ian (5/3), I'm lucky if I get out once a month. People might think it's because we're boring, but the fact is I just can't afford it.  Christine (21), Durham 2/5 MORE OF YOU COMMENTSHERETOMORROW Comp Newsround TopFilm Main Menu
P506 CJJFAX 2 506 Fri 07 Mar 21:18/27  |<, |<l|—ppp       Ian (5/3), most people don'u go out iv ry w ekjnd as no man peopl c n afford to, and I'm sure are better people because of it.  Tina (21), Plymouth  With reference to the fox hunting debate — if you shoot a fox it might not die straight away, if you snare it it dies slowly. The most humane way to kill a fox is to shoot it and then set dogs on it to kill it quickly.  Robert (18), Hastings  I prifit Tjrty Wogan to othjt ttindz celebs! What do Backchattirs think?  Laura (14), Cornwall 3/5 MORE OF YOUR COMMENTS HERE TOMORROW Comp Newsround TopFilm Main Menu
P506 CJJFAX 2 506 Fri 07 Mar 21:17/19 | |       Natalie (4/3), I'm not allowed to wear make-up, but I don't find it too bad. All mz friends wear it and sometimes I think it's unfair but there is no point in covering your face up when you have to live with it for the rest of your life.  Sophie (13), Detbz  Ian (5/3), you'ri not the only pjtson in the world who doesn't go out drinking jvety weekend, although I understand how you feel. I'm among about 22,000 students hjti and don't know any who don't go out at weekends. Ism' there more to life?  Hazel (1:), Sheffield 4/5 MORE OF YOUR COMMENTS HERE TOMORROW Comp Niwsround TopFilm Main Menu
P506 CJEFAX 2 506 Fri 07 Mar 21:11/21         How can young pa pae t ink it' cool to smoke and th nk it mag s th m look big when old people smo j? Not only is it a big waste of money but more impo tantly it' a wast of your lif Billy (15), Dumf i s  How can a cat win 3rd prize in a "Mabel the Dog look-a-like Competition" It's ridiculous! Cathjtine, Somjrsjt  Jodi (3/3), Whjrevjr you live, fox hunting can bj sjin as a barbaric and out-dated activity. I live in the country and am totally against the brutal way thjyWre killed.  Helen (15), Cheshire 5/5 MORC OF YOUR COMMENTS HIRE TOMORROW Comp N wsround TopFilm Main Munu