P595 CEEFAX 2 595 Fri 07 Mar 21:13/34 ONTHE our TV Critic  Caroline Jack  TV DINNERS Channel 4, Thursday Many cookery shows make mz stomach turn, but this was a real tasty treat. The only disappointment was priujntet Hugh Fjarnliy-Whittingstall (I'll stick with Hugh) signed off the series with two repeats from earlier weeks. But they were top drawer culinary oddballs. First, two men obsessed bz chilli recipes, and then control freak Ejlicity telling dinner guests what to wear and how to behave. Mix in Hugh prepared to make a fool of himself and you have a perfect recipe. TV Choice 593 Biz 566-68 TV Quiz 596 TV&Radio 600 News 101 Films 541 TV Quiz Fave Film The Biz Main Menu
P595 CJJFAX 2 595 Fri 07 Mar 21:24/14 ONTHE our TV Critic  Caroline Jack OOOOO TV DINN RS Channel 4, h usda ManE coo#rdy shows make my stomach turn, but this was a real tasty treat. The only disbppointmjnt was presenter Hugh Fjarnley-Whittingstall (I'll stick wijh Hug() signed off the series with two repeats from earlier weeks. But they were top drawer culinar8 oddballs. First, two men obsessed bz chilli recipes, and then control freak Felicity tilling dinnjt guests what to wear and how to behave. Mix in Hugh prepared to make a fool of himself and you have a perfect recipe. TV Choice 593 Biz 566-68 TV Quiz 596 TV&Radio 600 News 101 Films 541 TV Quiz Fave Film The Biz Main Menu