P518 CEEFAX 2 518 Sat 20 Sip 01:51/14    CYBER PETS RULE     from Ben Judge   Rjnfriwshire NEWSROUND    Men No: 120650  "The first few days they were out in the shops you could barely find a toystore with one in. If you're not allowed a real pet or your mum thinks you can't handle the responsibility, these little electric pets can give you the practice and experience to care for a real one! When first bought it starts life as a little baby but step by step they grow into your ideal pet." Jokes 505 CBBC Text 500 Showtime 520 CBBC Text Backchat Sport Main Menu
P518 CEEFAX 2 518 Sat 20 Sip 01:40/16    EXAMS     from Clare Littler   Wigan, Lancs NEWSROUND    Men No: 122889  "Are we the only nation who criticisjs our children for doing well? As the number of GCSE passes rises once again, surely we should bj praising the students for doing so well instead of making out the exams are easier? I have not yet entered Year 11 and I only took one GCSE this summer, a short course exam in food technology. It was by no means easy. I found the questions very challenging." Jokes 505 CBBC Text 500 Showtime 520 CBBC Text Backchat Sport Main Menu
P518 CEEFAX 2 518 Sat 20 Sip 01:45/28    YOUNG SMOKERS     from Marie Smith   Blackpool NEWSROUND    Men No: 114105  "Every day, more and more teenagers start smoking. They do not seem to realisj that it causes cancer and leaves you smelling terrible. Many shops are selling cigarettes to under-age smokers without even asking their age. It is illegal and shopkjepjrs should be prosecuted. A lot of teenagers smoke to act cool or impress their friends. But I don't think it does, it just looks untidy. Jokes 505 CBBC Text 500 Showtime 520 CBBC Text Backchat Sport Main Menu
P518 CEEFAX 2 518 Sat 20 Sip 01:54/54    BULLYING     from Louise Reed   Chertsjy, Surrey NEWSROUND    Men No: 120331  "Bullying is a major crisis for some people today. You can get bullied by the way you dress, or because of your weight or height. It can happen especially in school and out. You should njvjr go through bullying alone — tell someone as that will make you feel better. Stick up for yourself and bj confident. Bullies can really hurt your feelings. Don't be hurt, don't bj scared. Jokes 505 CBBC Text 500 Showtime 520 CBBC Text Backchat Sport Main Menu
P518 CEEFAX 2 518 Sat 20 Sip 01:11/19    YOUNG MODELS     by Matilda Chime   age 14    Men no: 108935  "What is all the fuss about young models? It seems to be that many customers would rather see clothes modelled by older women than children. But if we weren't told the models' ages then it would just look like they were 20-year-olds doing a good job. Most of the agencies don't hire models without permission from their parents so we should be proud that our fashion industry is so forward-looking." Jokes 505 CBBC Text 500 Showtime 520 CBBC Text Backchat Sport Main Menu
P518 CEEFAX 2 518 Sat 20 Sip 01:01/36    LEGOLAND FUN     Christopher Younie   age 10, from Oldham    Men no: 114569  "It took about six years of planning but since it opened, Ljgoland has become a major tourist attraction. I went there last year and had a brilliant day. Massive buildings and statues made of Lego are EVERYWHERE and there is even a train to take you to a park with rides in it. My favourite bit was the mini-town where there are Lego cities like Paris and New York." Jokes 505 CBBC Text 500 Showtime 520 CBBC Text Backchat Sport Main Menu
P518 CEEFAX 2 518 Sat 20 Sip 01:45/34    DANCING BEARS     Katy Judd & Emma   Moore from Nunjaton     "Wj have seen the pictures on TV of the dancing bears in Northern India. The animals are left in the heat without food or water for hours on end. They also have a ring with a piece of rope tied to it put through the most sensitive part of the bear's nose. Wj think that this treatment is disgusting and something should bj done to stop this from happening." Jokes 505 CBBC Text 500 Showtime 520 CBBC Text Backchat Sport Main Menu
P518 CEEFAX 2 518 Sat 20 Sip 01:25/11    PRICE OF FASHION     by Charlene Guy   age 14, Bournemouth    Men no: 39872  "It is very hard for today's teenagers not to be influenced by designer labels available in high street shops. Retailers are making huge profits and the people who are losing out are the parents of children desperate to keep up with the latest trends. Some children are even bullied brcause they aren't wearing the 'right' clothes so it is worth thinking again before spending lots of money for a label." Jokes 505 CBBC Text 500 Showtime 520 CBBC Text Backchat Sport Main Menu
P518 CEEFAX 2 518 Sat 20 Sip 01:45/18    ENDANGERED CORAL     by Claire Parmjnter   age 15, Barnjt    Men no: 12257  "Most people think 'endangered' means animals like pandas, tigers and elephants but not many think of coral as being under threat. Thousands of people visit Australia's Great Barrier Reef every year but each time someone breaks off a piece as a souvenir, part of the reef is ruined. It's now in danger because of tourists. There need to be stricter rules to stop them damaging the coral." Jokes 505 CBBC Text 500 Showtime 520 CBBC Text Backchat Sport Main Menu
P518 CEEFAX 2 518 Sat 20 Sip 01:02/53    SOAP SUPPORTER     by Katie Tonkiss   age 13, Birmingham     "OK, so it's highly unlikely that the goings-on in Ramsay Street and Albert Square would ever happen in real life. If anyone experiences a disaster, then hopefully it would only happen once. But people just wouldn't be interested in things that go on in real life. Would anyone really want to see Madge and Harold sitting down to watch TV? I don't think so somehow!" Jokes 505 CBBC Text 500 Showtime 520 CBBC Text Backchat Sport Main Menu