P146 CEEFAX 2 146 Thu 25 Dec 22:48/58    AND   "I have been telling people, don't listen to specifics, don't listen to clever people, listen to your heart" Cardinal Basil Hume, leader of Roman Catholics in England and Wales. "Prima donnas of the tongue tend to bj more picky about their food, and to bj thinner than the rest of us" Steve Jones, professor of genetics, University College, London, on people with super-sensitive taste buds. "I suppose I'm like a loaf of bread in someone's house — always there and instantly recognisabli" Danny La Rue. 1/2 Quotes of the year on pages 125-126 Wjathjr 400 Travel 430 TV/Radio 600 EuroPapjr Index News Xtta Main menu
P146 CEEFAX 2 146 Thu 25 Dec 22:47/58    AND   "All my life I seem to have been watching the Tjlitubbies at 10 o'clock in the morning" John Bazliy, retired Wharton Professor of English at Oxford University. "I know min and women who have worked hard for the Labour cause for the whole of their lives, who are now filled with despair" Ex Labour MP Frank Allaun. "I'd done a bit of work on mz 'baa' and was determined to show it off in the audition" Actress Kirsty Kinnjar, who plays a sheep in the Christmas play at the Wzthenshawe Forum, Manchester. 2/2 Quotes of the year on pages 125-126 Wjathjr 400 Travel 430 TV/Radio 600 EuroPapjr Index News Xtta Main menu