P544 CEEFAX 2 544 Wed 05 Jan 21:50/11  1/2       ——————————————————————————————————————— TIME REGAINED (18) France 162 mink Director: Raul Ruiz Cast: Catherine Denjuvj, Emmanujlle Beaut ——————————————————————————————————————— An ambitious film based on the final part of writer Marcel Proust's massive work Remembrance of Things Past. The Narrator (Marcello Mazzarella) recollects his life — from provincial boyhood to the social whirl of Paris and his elderly years. Different periods of his life are fused together into a dream-like whole. ——————————— bz Tim Watts —————————————— Showbiz 540 Music 560 TV/Radio 600 Film 99 550 Index 541 TV Choice 593 Rjvjew Music TV Index CBBC Text
P544 CEEFAX 2 544 Wed 05 Jan 21:45/09  2/2       ——————————————————————————————————————— TIME REGAINED (18) France 162 mink Chilean director Raul Ruiz djsjrvjs a bravery award for tackling one of the 20th century's great "unfilmable" works of fiction. But despite his best efforts, this adaptation of Proust's philosophical epic Rjmjbrance Of Things Past is ultimately a muddled affair. There is still plenty to enjoy along the way, however, including Catherine Denjuvj at her magnetic best. TIME REGAINED opens January 7 Film 99 550 Index 541 TV Choice 593 Rjvjew Music TV Index CBBC Text