P505 CEEFAX 2 505 Wed 12 Jan 21:39/44     CRACK A    JOKE    for           Crack a joke and  make mj laugh!  I'll show a selection  the best every day...   Write to mj at:  Comedy Corner  Ha  PO Box 4567,  Ha!  London W12 6AA.  Don't forget your O age and address!  >>> STAY TUNED FOR TODAY'S JOKES >>> GamjZinj 508 Comp 507 Newsround 510 Backchat Newsround BP Index Main Menu
P505 CEEFAX 2 505 Wed 12 Jan 21:14/25                        Press REVEAL for ANSWER! Did you hear about the two flies playing football on a saucer? They were practising for the world cup Kamran Munjr, age 15, Birmingham —————————————————————————————————————— How do you count a cattle of cows? With a cow-culator! Hannah Pullan, age 9, Bucks BPeter 525 Showbiz 502 CBBC A-Z 539 Backchat Newsround BP Index Main Menu