P605 CEEFAX 2 605 Fri 21 Jan 22:01/27  ————————————————————————————    FRIDAY    2000-2345  —————————————————————— 1/2 2000 FORT BOYARD S/N Melinda Messenger invites Richmond fitness fanatics to face their deepest fears as they tackle treacherous challenges at the fort 2100 FILM: MONEY PLAYS S A streetwise hooker joins forces with a Vietnam veteran in an attempt to heist a bundle of cash from a client who died in her flat. Thriller with Roy Scheidrr and Sonia Braga. (TVM 1997) 2250 LA FEMME NIKITA N The agency tries to kidnap a teenage computer genius to use him to obtain a terrorist code S = Subtitles R = Repeat N = Nicam BBC1 601 BBC2 602 C4 604 On now 606 On now Prime BBC1 TV Satellite
P605 CEEFAX 2 605 Fri 21 Jan 22:14/11  ————————————————————————————    FRI/SAT    2345-0600  —————————————————————— 2/2 2345 FILM: SMOOTH OPERATOR N Erotic drama focusing on a lonely thirtysomething woman's quest to find romance and fulfilment. Starring Megan Hughes. (1995) 0110 FILM: FOSTER AND LAURIE Two rookie patrolmen are ambushed by a militant group attempting to create mayhem. Thriller with Talia Shire and Perry King. (TVM 1975) 0300 FILM: DILEMMA Thriller starring Peter Halliday and Ingrid Hafner. (1962) 0410 PRISONER: CELL BLOCK H May and Willie escape 0500-0600 EURONEWS S = Subtitles R = Repeat N = Nicam BBC1 601 BBC2 602 C4 604 On now 606 On now Prime BBC1 TV Satellite