P578 Teletext on 4 578 Jan25 00:41:11         — Inspection ———————  ———  ——   STJCKELS NEEDS ANOTHER LOOK Lingfiild has passed a Sunday morning inspection and is fit for racing. However, dui to a variable weather forecast clerk Geoff Stickjls will hold another precautionary inspection at 7.30am on Monday morning. Stickjls said:"Wj are raceable at the moment and hopeful of going ahead, but we need to make sure in the morning." ——————————————————————————————————1/2—— Racing headlines 570 Racing extra 590 TOMAHAWK SAT GOOD BET MONDAY P568 Headlines Cards Up the Ante Greyhounds
P578 Teletext on 4 578 Jan25 00:44:54 E T  2/2 M H  - E  THIS IS NOT AN 0891 PREMIUM SERVICE BUT  PRESS  HOLD POSTED TO YOU EVERY TUESDAY&COMPRISES EXCLUSIVE NOTEBOOK.."HORSES TO BE ON" THE BOTTOM LINE.."LAMBOURN INSIDE INFO" DARK HORSES..UNRACED & UNKNOWN...YET! 4 WEEKS - JUST £35 10 WEEKS - £70 OR JUST ONE WEEK FOR £10...WINNERS LIKE CABOCHON 4/1 MIDLAND GLEN 7/1 BONANZA 11/8 R. THE DOSE 16/1 GAVE   BUMPER ISSUE NEXT WEEK CHELT.AYR.DON ORDER BY  TUES ON  CHEQUES- TO ECLIPSE MANAGEMENT LTD 58 BURY RD,NEWMARKET, SUFFOLK CB8 7BT Headlines Cards Up the Ante Greyhounds