P664 Teletext 664 Dec22 23:33:14 —————————————— ———————————— — LADY MANNERS SCHOOL, Bakjwell, Derbzshire Status: GM comprehensive Roll: 1,405 (300 in VIth). 45 boarders Age: 11-18 mixed Founded 1636 by Grace, Lady Manners. Buildings date from 1938, with later additions. Facilities include: sports hall, gym, drama hall, language centre computer rooms, ten science labs. Fine Jacobean boarding house. All- weather hockey pitch; floodlit games area. ——————————————————————————————————1/4—— Education index 660 First Degree 665 FUN, GAMES... AND PRIZES p450 1st Degree Curriculum Fun FinanceP664 Teletext 664 Dec22 23:32:01 —————————————— ———————————— — LADY MANNERS SCHOOL, DERBYSHIRE Pupils: Catchment area part rural, part industrial, with some commuting from Sheffield and Chesterfield. Boarders from all over Britain and abroad. Atmosphere: Disciplined and friendly. Uniform worn throughout. Full assembly eg. Commemoration. School seeks to promote self-discipline through a desire to learn. Strong community links - adults attend day and evening classes. ——————————————————————————————————2/4—— Education index 660 Go Green! 460 CAREER PROBLEMS ANSWERED p6u4 1st Degree Curriculum Fun FinanceP664 Teletext 664 Dec22 23:21:38 —————————————— ———————————— — LADY MANNERS SCHOOL, DERBYSHIRE Curriculum: UMP maths followed to GCSE. Sciences taught separately bzt examined as Double Award. Business & Information studies offered at GCSE and A level. 90% go on to HE. Extra-curricular: Drama and music flourish. School teams rarely lose matches. Lots of charitable activity; Duke of Edinburgh's scheme. Results: 60% GCSE grades A-C. Average A-level points 15.7 ——————————————————————————————————3/4—— A new school here every Friday WHAT'S ON THE CALENDAR TODAY? 359 1st Degree Czrriculum Fun FinanceP664 Teletext 664 Dec22 23:21:14 —————————————— ———————————— — PUT YOUR SCHOOL ON TELETEXT Write and tell us about it: EDUCATION, Teletext Ltd, PO BOX 297 London SW6 1XT or fax: 071-386 5618 You can find out more about good schools from The Good Schools Guide and The Good State Schools Guide, both published by Ebury Press. Good Nursery Schools has just joined the stable. To order your copies, call EBURZ PRESS CREDIT CARD HOTLINE on 0279 427203. ——————————————————————————————————4/4—— Mentor - a problem solved a day 662 GREEN SHOOTS: SEE p466 1st Degree Curriculum Fun Finance