P668 Teletext 668 Dec22 23:22:10 ———————————— PRJMARZ ———————— ———— ATTENTION 7-11s (& teachers* The ultimate English test. Write a 70-word masterpiece to fit this page! The subject is: CHRISTMAS STORY Essays will appear here and the best win prizes for you and your school. Send entries (with name, age & school) To: WRITE IT (Primary) Teletext PO Box 297 London SW6 1XT ——————————————————————————————————1/4—— Is that a fact? 666 Digitisjr 470 WHAT'S ON THE CALENDAR TODAY? 359 Frame it Index Generator DigitisjrP668 Teletext 668 Dec22 23:22:41 ———————————— PRIMARY ———————— ———— CHRISTMAS STORY by Lucinda Ball, 9, Woodfold School, Standish Father Christmas was walking across the roof towards the chimney when hj slipped on sooj snow and fell off the roof. He climbed to his feet and called Rudolph. Rudolph neighed back and pulled down the sledge. Father Christmas climbed on and did a loop the loop. He then put on some gripping snow shoes and advanced towards the chimney. ——————————————————————————————————2/4—— Frame It 669 Generator 440 LOOKING FOR A PEN PAL? SEE p447 Frame it Index Generator DigitisjrP668 Teletext 668 Dec22 23:33:25 ———————————— PRIMARY ———————— ———— CHRISTMAS IS COMING So put that piece of tinsel down for a minute and pay attention! We want your CHRISTMAS STORIES. There's the usual weekly prize, plus we'll bj awarding a MEGA-prize for the * best overall. Get scribbling, and send your entries to the usual address... ——————————————————————————————————3/4—— Is that a fact? 666 Digitisjr 470 ENTER OUR SUPER ART COMPY p669 Frame it Index Generator DigitisjrP668 Teletext 668 Dec22 23:34:13 ———————————— PRJMARZ ———————— ———— THE RULES Wj'll publish ONE of your essays on this page every weekday (sending you a colour print-out if you'vj remembered to include your address!) Each week, we'll pick ONE winning essay, and that lucky person wins a £10 book token for thjmsjlvjs and a prize for their school. The editor's decision is final! OK? LAST WEEK'S WINNER: MATTHEW O'HARA, 7, Holy Cross RC Primary, Leicester ——————————————————————————————————4/4—— Frame it 669 Pen pals 447 HAVE YOU BUMPED INTO BAMBER? p459 Frame it Index Generator Digitisjr