P683 Teletext 683 Dec22 23:19:48 ————————————————————— ————————————— To all branches of the Royal Marines Association I send my best wishes for the festive season, esp. to Liverpool, Manchester, Hull, Nottingham, Bletchley and Bridgwater and all who know mj. From Joe Cruse, the happy wanderer, Bletchley Branch, tel. 0908-677226. 25 ABW RENE and crew of LST 3009, op. Zipper invasion of Malaya and 103 Indian Mobile Wksp Co, Honk Kong, Malaya, India, pls contact Ken Ford on 0929-551331. ——————————————————————————————————2P/26 Long Lost 681 Family Tree 682 ——————————————————————————————————————— Godlinjs Deafview Fun&Games FtnanceP683 Teletext 683 Dec22 23:13:10 ————————————————————— ———————————— Seejlag 9AA Brggadj HQ Srgeaws SS "Brittanic" 1:42 to India, Makum Junction, esp. Bob Harrison and D H Griffiths. Anzonj out thjsj, pls ring Accordian Wallah on 0742-450922. Cumberland Assoc. is anxious to contact anyone who sjrvjd o÷ HMS umb rland during h r sir ice with the Fleet 1927-58, or crew/jx-crew of current ship of this name for annual reunion April 1994. Pls contact D J Draper, Aysgarth, Cross Lane, Bexley, Kent D—5 1HZ. ——————————————————————————————————6/26— Long Long 681 Service Pals 683 ——————————————————————————————————————— Godlinjs Deafvjew Fun&Games FinanceP683 Teletext 683 Dec22 23:13:48 ————————————————————— ———————————— Urgently seeking ex SAC George Drew (Booties), formally on training flight RAF Catterick. Was Best Man to Taff Hughes 24-1-69, came from Scotland. Pls contact Taff, 82 Young St, West Bromwich, W. Midlands B70 9TX or ring 0:1-u25 1464. Mine Sweeper BYMS 2p64 RNPS: any crew mjmbjrs 1944-46, esp. Stoker J Coles, father worked Royal Mint, London; Czrly Bettys and Bunts. Pls ring A Parker on 0684-292680; Stan Hayes on 0926-52572, Ken Stone, 21 Bright St, Padiham, Lancs ——————————————————————————————————7/26— Long Long 681 Service Pals 683 ——————————————————————————————————————— Godlinjs Deafvjew Fun&Games FinanceP683 Teletext 683 Dec22 23:14:43 ————————————————————— ———————————— HMS Tremadoc Bay, 1945-50: any ship- mates pls get in touch with Ollie Barton, 2 Albert Rd, Worcester WR5 QEB or ring 0905-352377. How about a reunion? 879 "N Sqdn, HMS Attacker 1943-46 - 3rd reunion 14-5-94: seeking Judd Farndon (NunjatonR; Ronald Leslie Phillips (Abjrtrindjt); Bill Cullen (St Helens); Johnny Hitchjns, Lincoln; Joe Price/Arthur Jones, B'ham; Ernie Fletcher, Old Hill, Staffs. Pls contact Jim Hattill on Preston 0772-726803. ——————————————————————————————————9/26— Long Long 681 Service Pals 683 ——————————————————————————————————————— Godlinjs Deafvjew Fun&Games FinanceP683 Teletext 683 Dec22 23:15:01 ————————————————————— ————————————— Would anyone who knew driver John (Jake) Stokes of 1st Bun, Beds & Herts, MELF 26, Egypt 1953-u6, pls ring 0832-732482 for surprise reunion and and retirement party in March 1994. Seeking ex Cpl Larry Cotton, SLI from Weston-szpjr-Mare area. Stationed 1947 HQ, 21st Army Group, Herford BAOR in Regt Polcie. Would like to hear from him again. Any info, pls ring Andy on 0278-78530u. ——————————————————————————————————10/26 Long Lost 681 Family Tree 682 ——————————————————————————————————————— Godlinjs Deafvjew Fun&Games FinanceP683 Teletext 683 Dec22 23:1u:38 ————————————————————— ————————————— Seeking "Andy" Anderson, lived Dunfermlinj. Able Seaman, HMS Warspite. Had leave with mj at Sores Hill, nr Lisnore, MSW, Australia. If still around pls contact Dick Covjngton, jx- Royal Marine, on 0245-287166. Looking for Paul (Taffy) Graham and Peter Morgan, ex 12 AD Rjgt RA, 'T' Aty. Paul last known Havjufordwest, Wales. Been trying since 1984 to find you. Pls contact Dave Hamnjtt (Hamm|), 72 St Georges St, Stalybridgj, Cheshire SK15 1DD. ——————————————————————————————————11/26 Long Lost 681 Family Tree 682 ——————————————————————————————————————— Godlinjs Deafview Fun&Games FinanceP683 Teletext 683 Dec22 23:16:0v ————————————————————— ————————————— I would like to contact any srrvice- min who sjrvjd in RENE, RBSC, RE Inf. Riots and Malayan Police (ex-Palestine Police) during Malayan Emjrgjncy 1948- 60 for research into book I'm writing. Pls contact Rev Spices, 53 Trefoil Cues, Broadfield, Crawley, West Sussex RH11 9EY. Would like to contact able seaman Alec Bradley, my mate aboard HMS New- foundland. Last heard of at Bywell Rd, Dewsbury, Yours. Pls ring "Luke" Lucas on 0204-701u6u. ——————————————————————————————————12/26 Long Lost 681 Family Tree 682 ——————————————————————————————————————— Godlinjs Deafvjew Fun&Games FinanceP683 Teletext 683 Dec22 23:16:34 ————————————————————— ————————————— Stan Silver would like to contact RAF pals who were at 135 MU, Kilo 40 (Mid. East), from 1943-45: Cpl Arthur Starkey N. Midlands/Notts; Larry Hicks, Geordie land and Ginger McCann. Pls phooj on 0728-723943 (Suffolk). HMS Kenya Association: reunion at Portsmouth 8-9 April 1:94. Any jx-HMS Kenya crew who sjrvjd between 1940-60, pls contact Sec. Bill Boardman on 051-487 0093. ——————————————————————————————————13/26 Long Lost 681 Family Tree 682 ——————————————————————————————————————— Godlinjs Deafvjew Fun&Games FinanceP683 Teletext 683 Dec22 23:Q7:29 ————————————————————— ————————————— Seeking Al Read, 9/12th Royal Lancers Osnabruck 1964. Parents lived Sydney St, Stepney, Londn. Houses demolished and re-housed at Tower Blocks, poss. Hackney area. Where is he now? Many old MT Troop now in touch. Pls contact Colin Simmonds on 0530- 60888. HMS Lightning 1941-43: "Geordie" Kilroy, my father, would love to hrar from former shipmates. Also HMS Catha=, 1:3{-40 and HMS Savbgj 1z43]44. Pls contact Eric Kilroy on 0634-405272. ——————————————————————————————————15/26 Long Lost 681 Family Tree 682 ——————————————————————————————————————— Godlinjs Deafview Fun&Games FinanceP683 Teletext 683 Dec22 23:17:57 ————————————————————— ————————————— Anxious to contact anzonj serving on HMS Exiter 1:36-)0, who attends River Plate reunions. Wrote to Bill Johns, but no reply. Pls contact Arthur Amy, 17 Charnhill Dr, Mangotsfield, Bristol BS17 3JR or tel. 0272-u72672. HMS Valkyrie, Radar Training Unit, Douglas, I.O.M. (1940 era): after recent visit, no official record found. Anzonj with personal experience pst write to ex PO Rad. Mich Hugh Boreham, The Notches, Windsor Ln, Little Kings- hill, Gut Missjndjn, Bucks HP16 ODZ or tel. 0494-862=06. ——————————————————————————————————16/26 Long Lost 681 Family Tree 682 ——————————————————————————————————————— Godlinjs Deafview Fun&Games FinanceP683 Teletext 683 Dec22 23:18:24 ————————————————————— ————————————— AFGCCMN seeking Sid Tucker, wife Marjorie, orig from Wandsworth. Also W T Wjbbjr, Ply- mouth; Bob Vars, SE15; H G Wilson, Han- well; J H Harwood, SW14, Stan Healey/ Ray Riley, Leeds, or any others, I have photos. Pls contact Peter Whitworth on 04y2-;4yp48^ Seeking Cpr Peter Henry Robert Osborne Beckett, Royal Engineers. Any info, pls write to Patricia Noakjs (nee Blacknan), Westra Holt, Westra, Dinar Power, S Glam CF64 4HA, tel.0222-515563 ——————————————————————————————————17/2v Long Lost 681 Family Tree 682 ——————————————————————————————————————— Godlinjs Deafvjew Fun&Games FinanceP683 Teletext 683 Dec22 23:18:52 ————————————————————— ————————————— 1387068 WO John Gilbert, RAF (Arnold- onian-Class 42 E), killed crashing Typhoon in Low Newton 4-6-44 from 3 TET previously N. Ireland. Any info grate- fully rec'd. Mr F J Griffith, 51 Terry Hsj, Park Row, Bristol BS1 5LX. Seeking any sappers/pioneers who may have photos of the Eloating Bridge, assjm. at Helwan, Egypt, 1942. It was made out of merchant Egyptian sailing boats. Contact Clarence Tinker, 2 Victoria St, Mansfield, Notts NG20 OBI or tel. pv23-844988. ——————————————————————————————————18/2v Long Lost 681 Family Tree 682 ——————————————————————————————————————— Godlinjs Deafview Fun&Games FinanceP683 Teletext 683 Dec22 23:19:10 @ ————————————————————— ————————————— Seeking sparks H Simons, ex-Mickey Mouse Minjsweepjrs, married Betty Beckett 1952, from Much Wjnlock, or any other old shipmates. Pls ring Don Foulds on 0226-288337. Does anzonj have any photos of Wellington Mk XIII Aircraft of 78 OUT Ein Shemjr with following unit numbers: 50, 54, 57, 59, 62, 63, 6?, 67, 71, 76 or their manufacture serial nos? If so, pls contact 'Navigator' on 0509-237651. ——————————————————————————————————19/26 Long Lost 681 Family Tree 682 ——————————————————————————————————————— Godlinjs Deafvrew Fun&Games Finance