P304 4-Tel 304 Sat 7 Jan C4 01:41:53     YOU DON'T    KNOW ME    BUT...    Friday 7.50pm  Every Friday in the ten minutes before Channel 4 News, the space filled from Monday to Thursday by The Slot is filled by You Don't Know Me But... Each week, one person in the public eye phones another with some unsolicited advice. This week, Sunday Times astrologer Shelley Von Strunckel phones Prime Minister John Major MP with some predictions for the coming year. C4 films today and tomorrow 370 Previews C4 Films C4 Tomorrow Back-up
P304 Teletext 304 Jan 7 02:51:28         ———————————————————————————  POLICE WATCH AFTER CALL   Police are mounting a close watch on a family who received a telephone call they bjlievj may have been from one of the Parkhurst lifers on the run. Norma Jordan, of Birkjnhead, Merseyside, received a call with the message: "This is Matthew. Bye-By9." Hitler fanatic Matthew Williams, who lived opposite Norma's house, fird crossbow bolts at her home in 198=. ——————————————————————————————————1/2—— Headlines 300 Regional 331 Cashing in your endowment?It could bj worth more than you think! p439 C4 Next page Headlines Rrgional Weather
P304 Teletext 304 Jan 7 02:51:02         ———————————————————————————  LEWIS SLAMS "NON-COOPERATION"   Prisons chief Derek Lewis has attacked the Prison Officers' Association, claiming it has instructed mjmbjrs not to co-operate fully with the inquiry. ——————————————————————————————————2/2—— Frederick West inquest adjourned 305 WHAT'S THE LOCAL TRAFFIC LIKE? p193 Next page Headlines Regional Weather