P309 4-Tel 309 Sat 7 Jan C4 01:37:44   STEAMING PASSIONS   This evening, 17.00-18.00  PREVIEW Nigel Farrell journeys into the little explored world of women and steam trains. He meets the ticket inspector on the North Yorkshire Moors Railway, the woman historian of the Festiniog Steam Railway and Heidi Mewforth, who's studying to bj a steam train driver. Steaming Passions is available on video. For further information write to Steaming Passions, PO Box 2019, London W1A 1FG Subtitles 888 A repeated programme Rotbusters 312
P309 Tjletuxt 309 Jan 7 02:51:59         ————————————————————————————  YELTSIN FACES ARMY COUP FEaR   Russia's President Boris Yeltsin has vowed to press on with action to crush the Chechen revolt as fears grow that the military is plotting against him. He has been forced to ask the Security Council why his order to stop the air blitz of Grozny was apparuntly ignored. Generals told him the mission would last at least until the end of January as deputies warned of a army coup plot. ——————————————————————————————————1/2—— Headlines 300 Latest 302 APOLLO HOLIDAY CLUB SEE PAGE 277 Next page Index Regional Headlines
P309 Teletext 309 Jan 7 02:51:13         ————————————————————————————  GROZNY ATTACKS STEPPED UP   Russia has stepped up artillery and mortar fire on rdbel capital Grozny after pledging to end the crisis soon. Russian forces shelled the city from outlying positions, setting residential buildings ablaze, but failed to break the grip of rebels on the central area. Large numbers of paratroopers were seen moving in, raising the prospect that the Kremlin plans a major new assault. —————————————————————————p———————p:/2—p Headlines 300 Latest 302 WHAT'S ON AT THE CINEMA? p610 C4 Next page Index Regional Headlines