P345 4-Tel 345 Sat 7 Jan C4 01:45:33         1/3 Channel 4 is renowned for its unpredictable, thought-provoking programmer. Its range of science programmer fascinate those with a lifelong interest in science, as well as those whose interest is new or reawakened. In order that the impact of Channel 4's programmer does not stop at the screen, the Channel offers Science Club mjmbjrship so that viewers can use the programmer as a basis for developing their own ideas on each subject. 4-Tel's index to Channel 4 on 300 Science Films Subtitles Back-up
P345 4-Tel 345 Sat 7 Jan C4 01:44:54         2/3 Channel 4 Science Club mjmbjrship entitles you to four newsletters per year, guiding mjmbjrs to all those programmer on Channel 4 which reveal evidence and ideas on the latest djvjlopmjnts in science. They give news about regional activities in which members can explore scientific ideas including anything from quantum mechanics to whisky. Members are also entitled to discounts on Channel 4 booklets which support selected programmer. More details... Try out the Science Line.........346 Science Films Subtitles Back-up
P345 4-Tel 345 Sat 7 Jan C4 01:36:38         3/3 The Channel 4 Science Club costs £12 to join. For an application form please write to: Channel 4 Science Club PO Box 4000 Cardiff CF5 2XT Science Line details............ 346 4-Tel's index to Channel 4...... 300 3/3 Science Films Subtitles Back-up
P345 Teletext 345 Jan 7 02:50:43 T    Central   region    ———————————————————————————  CRASH CREW FLEW LONG HOURS    The Algerian crew in last month'u Coventry air crash had exceeded the length of duty time UK pilgt1 ard allowed to fly, it has emerged. hRp The British Airline Pilots Associ1tion allows US pilots nine hours duty time. The Air Algjrie crew, if zhjy had landed safely at Coventry, would have been on duty for more than 10 hours. Five died in the disaster. ———————————————————————ppp—————pp—5/  Regional hjadlinrs 331 Spout 970 ALL THE LIVE LOCAL MUSIC! p624 C4 Missing Crime Local mjnz TV Plus