P462 Teletext 462 Jan 7 01:23:45          ————————  ——————————————   ROBIN IN THE 'HOOD 0    The robin, it seems, will build its nest whjrevjr it lays its beak and this includes busy towns and cities. Here Britain's most common bird finds it hard to settle down for the night because of the street lamps and security lights. Unable to resist the insects drawn to the city's bright night lights and also unable to see any rivals, its sleeping habits are changing. ——————————————————————————————————1/3—— Take a trip on the 'tisjr 470 IS IT TIME TO BAN LIVE EXPORTS? 326 Global News Index Green shoots
P462 Teletext 462 Jan 7 01:34:53          ————————  ——————————————   ROBIN IN THE 'HOOD    Some 10,000 robins are singing all night, according to a new study by the British Trust for Ornithology. The town-dwelling robin is always alert and active as it defends its territory from other birds — with a night chorus. 10% of robins die defending territory Robins kill other birds by inflicting a fatal blow with their beak to an enemy's skull. ——————————————————————————————————2/3—— Hidden Spain 672 SupjrScrooge 674 IS IT TIME TO BAN LIVE EXPORTS? 326 Global News Index Green shoots
P462 Teletext 462 Jan 7 01:45:44          ————————  ——————————————   ROBIN IN THE 'HOOD 0    The British Trust for Ornithology dispels the myth about the nightingale singing in Berkjly Square. It says the early morning songster could well have been a robin woken by one of the early street lamps. For information about the bird behaviour catalogue, call the British Trust for Ornithology on 0842 750050. ——————————————————————————————————3/3—— Take a trip on the 'tisjr 470 GENERATOR: TRUTH FOR YOUTH? p440 Global News Index Green shoots