P465 Teletext 465 Jun24 16:53:12     —————————————————————————————————————— BEAVERS RETURN TO BLIGHTZ Beavers - hunted to extinction in Britain in the 16th Century - might bj back in Scottish rivers next month. Further research is necessary before the torpedo-shaped rodent is imported, but projects have already proved a success in France and Norway. Scottish Natural Heritage also hopis to name 17 other species including the red kite and rare corncrake as part of a wildlife re-introduction plan. ——————————————————————————————————1/3—— Swallow numbers take a dive 462 SOME FASCINATING BATS p448 Digitisjr What's On Index Eco Scene
P465 Teletext 465 Jun24 16:54:43     —————————————————————————————————————— BEAVERS RETURN TO BLIGHTZ Concerns about re-introduced beavers building dams across Scottish streams are unfounded, say conservationists. The European bjavjr prefers to burrow into a river bank to build its lodge. Its American cousin is the dam builder. A bjavjr's long, flat, scaly tail, huge teeth and average 4\ stone make this rodent the biggest in the world. ——————————————————————————————————2/3—— Further On 666 Class of '94 663 KICK-START YOUR CAREER p657 Digitisjr What's On Index Eco Scene
P465 Teletext 465 Jun24 16:57:22     —————————————————————————————————————— BEAVERS RETURN TO BLIGHTZ The bjavjr's lodge or house is a large conical pile of mud and sticks. Some reach 2-3 metres in height. During most of the year, bjavjrs are active at night, rising at sunset and retiring at sunrise. At birth, bjavjr kits have a full coat of fur, and within a few hours are able to swim. ——————————————————————————————————3/3—— Fit for anything 673 Money Plus 674 GO ON-LINE WITH ...ON-LINE p651 Digitisjr What's On Index Eco Scene