P312 4-Tel 312 Wed 31 May C4 20:48:01         Tonight, 20.00-20.30 PREVIEW Ron lets Carl borrow the Moby to move his beer - but there is a small catch... Mick is still worried about his mystery calls. Does Leo really need extra help with his homework - or is Jenny just making an excuse? Max goes with Carl to return the infamous beer and comes face to face with the equally infamous Les... Subtitles 888 NICAM Stereo  DOMESTIC VIOLENCE HELPLINE follows...
P312 4-Tel 312 Wed 31 May C4 20:44:27         Tonight, 20.00-20.30 PREVIEW If you are concerned about issues that have recently been part of the lives of Mandy and Beth Jordache, you might like to listen to a recorded message with information on where to get help. Call: 0 3 4 5 5 8 1 9 3 4 Calls cost 9p cheap rate and 23p at other times. MALE RAPE helpline details follow...