P313 4-Tel 313 Wed 31 May C4 20:44:23         Tonight, 20.30-21.00 PREVIEW From Phil Archer in Ambridgj to the young film makers of tomorrow - an estimated 15 million people have access to a camcorder in Britain. Millions more are condemned to watch the results - complete with wedding wobble, garden gaffes and beach-side boredom. Actor and comedian Robert Llewellyn - best known as Kryten in Red Dwarf - has taken on the challenge of becoming a camcorder guru for those struggling to master the art of the home video. 1/2
P313 4-Tel 313 Wed 31 May C4 20:48:51         Tonight, 20.30-21.00 PREVIEW Tonight's programme features two more camcorder classics - the school sports day and home made pop video. Does your child closely resemble a tortoise? Fear not. A camera angle here, an edit there and they can win each and every time. Meanwhile, pop promo director Mike Olley helps a group of teenagers produce their video version of a 1960s pop classic complete with silver globe. Subtitles 888 NICAM stereo Back-up information on 380 2/2