P370 4-Tel 370 Wed 31 May C4 20:44:42          W E D N E S D A Y O N  14.15-16.00 THE HOUSE ON TELEGRAPH HILL 1951 105mins bw Stylish thriller about a young woman in a concentration camp who assumes the identity of a fellow inmate after World War II. p2.00-03.20 THE LION HAS WINGS 1939 80mins bw British morale booster comparing life in Britain and in Germany, mixing drama with documentary footage.  Thursday's films follow... C4 Today 1st preview Subtitles Back-up
P370 4-Tel 370 Wed 31 May C4 20:41:48          T H U R S D A Y O N   14.15-16.00 ROSEANNA McCOY 1949 105mins bw Romeo and Juliet-style drama based on the real-life feud between the Hatfields and the McCoys in Virginia's Blue Ridge Mountains. 23.15-00.50 LAURA 1944 95mins bw A detective falls in love with the murder victim while investigating a case. Subtitles 888 01.40-03.20 ISAAC LITTLEFEATHERS TVM 1984 100mins Canadian drama about a half-Indian boy adopted by a Jewish shopkjepjr. Wednesday's films follow... C4 Today 1st preview Subtitles Back-up