P373 4-Tel 373 Wed 31 May C4 20:44:17      ————— Supporting local hospitals —————  NHS Loto is a registered  charity dedicated to  providing badly needed  funds to local hospital  projects.  25% of all money MILLION  collected goes direct to  NHS projects.  A guaranteed jackpot of  at least £1 million is  to be won every week. CALL 0990-1 0990-1 TO PLAY Simply have your numbers and credit/ debit card details ready. Lines open 24 hours. Calls at national rate. 1/2
P373 4-Tel 373 Wed 31 May C4 20:41:43        NHS See the draw "live" on Ch4  every Thursday at 7.58pm   2/2 The first draw takes place this Thursday, 1st June. Tune in to see if you are a winner. Remember - £1 million can be won in our first draw! Call 0800-1 0800-1 for a postal game pack or 0990-1 0990-1 to play by telephone.  WE WILL CONTACT ALL WINNERS 