P482 Teletext 482 May31 20:41:44          ——————————————————————————  BIRDS IN THE HAND    Visitors to Woburn Safari Park, Bedfordshire, now have the closest view of birds ever offered in the UK. Rainbow Landing is an aviary where beautiful exotic lorikeets feed on cups of nectar that visitors can buy. The team which trained a cast of thousands in Hitchcock's great thriller movie The Birds prepared Woburn's new high flyers for their public. ——————————————————————————————————1/3—— Baby equipment for hire 483 WIN A HAIR STYLES p481 Parents Tumours Flirting 50 Plus
P482 Teletext 482 May31 20:44:22          ——————————————————————————  BIRDS IN THE HAND    American nature parks have been bringing punters face to face with selected breeds of birds for several years. Now it's our turn. At Rainbow Landing, Woburn, they say everyone can now recreate their own Mary Poppins "feed the birds" scene. But don't try it with larger, more dangerous animals such as lions and rhino! ——————————————————————————————————2/3—— What's in your love stars? 488 FREE CD Xjust pay p&p) p353 - ITV Parents Tumours Flirting 50 Plus
P482 Teletext 482 May31 20:44:21          ——————————————————————————  BIRDS IN THE HAND    The rainbow lorikeets which Woburn's visitors can now feed are native to Australia. The two types are: green naped and Swainson's their preferred diet is rainforest fruits and plant nectar all Woburn's birds are captive bred. For more details call 01525 290407. ——————————————————————————————————3/3—— Now you can learn to flirt! 485 ARTS AND DOCUMENTARIES ON TV p422 Parents Tumours Flirting 50 Plus