P674 Teletext 674 May31 20:46:39    ——————  —————————————————————  ——     Penny pinching     tips from        THE      MEANEST MAN      IN BRIT—IN        SupjrScrooge      books       available       from     Quilleu         Press         ——————————————————————————————————1/5—— Lost touch with an old friend? 675 ARE YOU FIT FOR ANYTHING? p673 Lost Touch Service Pals Fit Money
P674 Teletext 674 May31 20:31:25    ——————  ————————— THE MEANEST  —— MANINBRITIN TIMELY TIP If there is a June wedding in the family there is still time to invite extra guests who will not be able to come. These include people who live in Australia and Canada and relations who hardly ever leave home. The object of this dodge is that folk who are invited usually send a present, even if they can't come. —————————————————————————————————p2/5—— West End Theatre 631 ARE YOU FIT FOR ANYTHING? p673 Lost Touch Service Pals Fit Money
P674 Teletext 674 May31 20:47:31    ——————  ————————— THE MEANEST  —— MANINBRITIN DON'T BE A CHIMNEY CHUMP You will loose big money fast if you are taken in by rogues who panic you into having building work done. If someone says: "We were working in the area and spotted your chimney is about to fall off", thank them and then shut the door. Now ring a firm recommended bz a friend. Ask them to check your roof. ——————————————————————————————————3/5—— Deafview 685 Godlines 687 LATEST GREEN NEWS p461 Lost Touch Service Pals Fit Money
P674 Teletext 674 May31 20:48:27    ——————  ————————— THE MEANEST  —— MANINBRETIN IVY IDEAS Ivy makes your home look old and interesting, and covers blemishes too But it can get overgrown, covering windows and possibly lifting tiles on the roof. Removal is much easier if you cut the main shoots and leave the ivy to die and fall away. Try to pull it off, and you damage paint and mortar. ——————————————————————————————————4/5—— Lost Touch 675 Service Pals 676 FAMILY FINANCE p540 Lost Touch Service Pals Fit Money
P674 Teletext 674 May31 20:47:42    ——————  ————————— THE MEANEST  —— MANINBRITIN SNEAKY TIP About to retire? Then secretly ask a work-mate to take up a leaving collection for you. First put a couple of £10 notes in a large open container, like a hat, to "set the pace". Then lend her another £10 to put it (several times) in front of the others, saying "We will miss her, you know!" ——————————————————————————————————5/5—— Trace your loved ones 675 CHECK OUT LOCAL EVENTS p633/634 Lost Touch Service Pals Fit Monty