P496 Teletext 496 Jun24 22:12:34                                        BY PAUL ROSE CHAPTER 1: SUMMER HOLIDAY Turner and Glug have booked an ultra- economy flight for their summer holidays. Cheapskates! Write It Jokes Day Out Club 440
P496 Teletext 496 Jun24 22:10:36                      I'm not sure your choice of airline was the right one.    Do stop complaining,   Turner. Think of the   saving we'vj made!                                Write It Jokes Day Out Club 440
P496 Teletext 496 Jun24 22:11:18  3/6 Welcome aboard! I'm Captain Bumbly.                                                                    Hahahahaha!      Whassamatter? You find    mz name funny or something?           No no - it's er..lovely! Write It Jokes Day Out Club 440
P496 Teletext 496 Jun24 22:14:52 TURNER AND GLUG SIT DOWN..  4/6  Why do we have to sit in  the cargo hold, Glug?                                                                It's a cargo plane, you idiot.  Besides, we have it all to  ourselves, so don't complain. Write It Jokes Day Out Club 440
P496 Teletext 496 Jun24 22:11:33  AH - But you're not entirely alone!      Silas P Ant!                                                                                                 Who's hj? Write It Jokes Day Out Club 440
P496 Teletext 496 Jun24 22:01:12   He's an explorer I once worked  for, Glug. But bj careful -  hj's clinically insane!                                                                                   That's right, and now I'm  going to hijack this plane!  Hahahahahahaha! Hahahaah!       MORE NEXT WEEK! Write It Jokes Day Out Club 440