P627 Teletext 627 Jun24 22:14:24            ——————————————————— ——  ———  INDIE SWAG COMPY RETURNS Wj have bundles and bundles of INDIE CD SINGLES and ALBUMS to give away. But first try thjsj, just for fun. Q: Name the other band of New Order's Peter Hook. Republic Q: Gillian and Stephen of the band are also known as? The Other Two Q: What was their debut single called? Tasty Fish ——————————— PRESS REVEAL ———————1/2—— Competition question follows >>> KEEP UP WITH THE TV NEWS p110 ITV Amplified Charts Music News Fun&Games
P627 Teletext 627 Jun24 22:07:19            ——————————————————— ——  ———  INDIE SWAG COMPY RETURNS Just for fun: (PRESS REVEAL) Q: Whose debut LP was called Gish? Smashing Pumpkins ——————————————————————————————————————— For your chance to win a bundle of indie CD singles or albums, answer this Q: What is indie an abbreviation of? Send to: INDIE SWAG COMPY RETURNS Teletext, PO Box 297, London SW6 1XQ. ——————————————————————————————————2/2—— Closing date 31 June: Draw 1 July HAVE YOU SEEN THAT DOOGIE RISER? 470 Amplified Charts Music News Fun&Games