P306 4-Tel 306 Sun 25 Jun C4 23:17:34         S U N D A Y 15.30-17.15 THE CLOUDED YELLOW 1950 105mins bw British thriller starring Jean Simmons as a young woman accused of murdering a handyman 888 313 21.00-22.55 MISTER JOHNSON 1990 115mins Bruce Beresford dissects the tragi- comic relationship between a black clerk and his British employers in 1920s colonial West Africa 888 316 00.30-01.55 GEORGETTE MEUNIER 1989 85mins German satire about a wrongly convicted woman who leaves prison with homicidal tendencies. Subtitled 317 Monday's films in a moment... Previews + C4 Today PALPlus Subtitles
P306 4-Tel 306 Sun 25 Jun C4 23:09:03         M O N D A Y 09.30-11.10 JUST ASK FOR DIAMOND 1988 100mins British comedy thriller about an incompetent private investigator 14.20-15.55 SPRING IN PARK LANE 1948 95mins bw Aristocratic Anna Neagle finds love below stairs in a vintage British class comedy 888 Midnight-01.35 BEIJING BASTARDS 1993 95mins Gritty Chinese drama about the Beijing underclass. Subtitled PALplus 02.25-04.00 BORDERTOWN 1935 95mins bw Brooding Bette Davis melodrama set in on the Mexican-American border Sunday's film in a moment... Previews + C4 Today PALPlus Subtitles