P348 4-Tel 348 Sun 25 Jun C4 23:14:33                                1/2   Congratulations to all of you who correctly entered out competition to win Zig and Zag's new single Hands Up! They do indeed come from the Planet Zoo. And there is absolutely no truth in rumours that larger postcards are easier to pull from the bag (or, in this case, Zig's underpants). Neither is it true that hand-coloured postcards of Zig and Zag swayed the judges... The winners are listed over... Next page C4 Today Previews + BigBIndjx
P348 4-Tel 348 Sun 25 Jun C4 23:24:48                                2/2   And the winners are: Samantha Bradshaw of Bordon, Hampshire Louise Flavjll of Gnosall, Stafford Kevin Dowd if Darcy Ljvjr, Bolton Emma Waddington of Newtown, Manchester John Mallon of West Kirby, The Wirral Congratulations. The singles will bj sent out on Monday. And the answer was... Next page C4 Today Previews + BigBIndjx