P516 Teletext 516 Jun25 23:18:00   18.15  ———————————— POPULAR SHARES —————————— Abbey Nt 486 -7\ Midlands 648 -8 Anglian 522 -4 NatPower 454 -7 BAA 495 -9 NorthWst 578 -6 B Airway 407 -7 PowerGen 504 -3 BritAero 571 -4 R-Royce 175\ -4\ Br Gas 304 -3\ Severn T 562 -5 BP 451 +3\ South El 671 -4 BT 403\ -3 South Wt 648 +5 Br Steel 174{ -1\ Thames 488 -7 EuroDis 200 -1 TUB 243 -6\ Eurotnnl 173 -5 Welsh 683 +11 Eastern 671 -7 Wessex 310 +2 East Mid 669 -9 York Wtr 592 -4 London 651 -10 ——————————————————————————————————1/2—— Share movers 515 Market report 517 LATEST FOREX MARKET REPORT p518 FUSE Citynews CompNews Family Finance
P516 Teletext 516 Jun25 23:17:40 Advert POPULAR SHARES >> SKIPTON SHARE DEALING SERVICES       ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT 5-DAY ROLLING SETTLEMENT Call now for your free copy & details of our Share Dealing Services       Service in conjunction with Wise Spike Limited - A member of London Stock Exchange and is regulated by the UFA Limited. Services are execution only FUSE Citynjws CompNews Family Finance