P321 4-Tel 321 Sun 30 Jul C4 02:32:13 1/14 Garden Club this week visits York Read on for plant details and our weekly competition! Next week's programmj comes from [ Stafford- sheri Next page C4 Tomorrow BigBrekkie FilmsP321 4-Tel 321 Sun 30 Jul C4 02:44:54 2/14 Tel: 01222 575 444 Denis Matthews' Garden York Denis Matthew's long thin garden, which is in the final six of the National Garden Competition '95 and which is strong on foliage, captures Roy's attention with these plants: Aralia elata Variegata Specimen deciduous tree with creamy-white margins to the leaves Catalpa bignonioides Aurea Indian bean tree Bright green heart-shaped leaves, can grow up to 15-20 foot Robinia psjudoacacia Tortuosa Exremjly unusual contorted form of Robinia p. 4-Tel's C4 preview index is on 310 Next page C4 Tomorrow BigBrekkie FilmsP321 4-Tel 321 Sun 30 Jul C4 02:43:21 3/14 Tel: 01222 575 444 Denis Matthews' Garden York Nandinb domestica Likes dry dusty soil not water and food as Denis had thought Helleborus foetidus Evergreen with narrow, deeply-cut leaves Astilbj x arendsii with deep green ferny foliage and small flowers in loose panicles Rodgersia podophylla Large rounded horse chestnut leaves and sprays of pale buff flowers in June and July Dryopteris felix-mas (male fern) Most commonly grown native fern 4-Tel's C4 preview index is on 310 Next page C4 Tomorrow BigBrekkie FilmsP321 4-Tel 321 Sun 30 Jul C4 02:41:38 4/14 Tel: 01222 575 444 Denis Matthews' Garden York Arundinaria muriiliaj hnow Fargjsia spathacea) Evergreen bamboo with slender arching stems and narrow leaves - grows up 10 foot. Non invbsivj Vitis coignjtiaj Vigorous, hardy, deciduous, ornamental vine. Good autumn colour Will Boulby's Diascias collection Diascias conj from the Drakjnsbjrg mountains on the border of South Africa and Lesotho. Good all-year-rounders in lilac, deep pink, apricot and white Garden Club: Fri 8pm Rps Mon 3.55pm Next page C4 Tomorrow BigBrekkie FilmsP321 4-Tel 321 Sun 30 Jul C4 02:41:09 5/14 Tel: 01222 575 444 Will Boulby's Garden York Among the hardy Diascias are: Diascia integerrima - a taller narrow- leaved form with pink flowers. Next year a white one will bj available too Diascia Bella (Will's sister's plant named after their grandmother) has flowers that fade to blue. Not available to the public at the moment Of the more tender varieties: Diascia Frilly Pretty large pale pink flowers with frilly-edged petals. Garden Club: Fri 8pm Rps Mon 3.55pm Next page C4 Tomorrow BigBrekkie FilmsP321 4-Tel 321 Sun 30 Jul C4 02:42:20 6/14 Tel: ] 01222 575 444 Will Boulby's Garden York Diascia Twinkle has a smaller lilac flower than the Frilly. Not hardy Diascia Rosie Striking bright green variegated leaves and pink flowers. Not generally available. Joyce Baxter's Roof Garden Ginkgo biloba Ginkgo tree Catalpa bignonioides Indian bean tree Liriodjndron tulipifera Tulip tree Garden Club: Fri 8pm Rps Mon 3.55pm Next page C4 Tomorrow BigBrekkie FilmsP321 4-Tel 321 Sun 30 Jul C4 02:42:12 ^ 7/14 Tel: ] 01222 575 444 R David Taylor's Garden York David has planted various Thymjs, Sedums, Acaena 'Blue Haze' and low growing Campanulas to give all-year- round interest and colour In David's mountain and foothill style scree bed are found: $riteleia laxa Queen Fabiola Bold blue flowers on slender stalks appearing after the foliage has died down Pratia angulata Jack's Pass Low-growing spreading plant with small bright blue flowers, which complemented the Hosta Hydon Sunset next to it 4-Tel's C4 preview index is on 310 Next page C4 Tomorrow BigBrekkie FilmsP321 4-Tel 321 Sun 30 Jul C4 02:40:24 8/14 Tel: 01222 575 444 David Taylor's Garden York In the dappled shade area by the scree Hosta vjnusta grows m with glossy green leaves, late to flower Hosta Hadspjn Heron Narrow blue-grey leaves Hosta Gold Edger Forming tight mound of yellow leaves with large bluey grey flowers Meconopsis cambrica Frances Perry Orangey/red form of the yellow Welsh poppy (seeded happily in shady border) Mimulus cardinalis Red flowers, growing to about 2 foot (lush foliage by pond) 4-Tel's C4 preview index is on 310 Next page C4 Tomorrow BigBrekkie FilmsP321 4-Tel 321 Sun 30 Jul C4 02:21:11 9/14 Tel: 01222 575 444 David Taylor's Garden York Behind the house is a Mediterranean area which houses some surprises: Lilium Lady Bower Lyon, named after the the Queen Mother, grows happily in a pot in David's garden as does the grass Hakonechloa macra Aureola Tropaeolum ciliatum is an unusual variety, with orangey-yellow flowers fading to pink white. Reasonably hardy and keeps its leaves through winter Helleborus multifidus Deeply cut and divided leaves 4-Tel's C4 preview index is on 310 Next page C4 Tomorrow BigBrekkie FilmsP321 4-Tel 321 Sun 30 Jul C4 02:51:42 10/14 Tel: 01222 575 444 David Taylor's Garden York Clematis armandii Apple Blossom Slightly tender evergreen clematis with pink and white flowers in April Echium pininana Half hardy biennial or monocarpic perennial with deep green hairy leaves and a tall spire of closely packed mauve to blue flowers Useful books follow shortly... Next page C4 Tomorrow BigBrekkie FilmsP321 4-Tel 321 Sun 30 Jul C4 02:32:12 11/14 Tel: 01222 575 444 Useful books York Reader's Digest Encyclopajdia of Plants & Flowers Royal Horticultural Society Gardjnjrs' Encyclopajdia of Plants & Flowers The Plant Finder published bz Headmain, Lakeside, 'hitbournj, Worcs WR6 55D for The Royal Horticultural Society Subscription details shortly... Next page C4 Tomorrow BigBrekkie FilmsP321 4-Tel 321 Sun 30 Jul C4 02:32:26 12/14 Tel: 01222 575 444 Factsheets York Each programmj's details are available on a factsheet. This week is Week 13. Send cheque/PO for £1.25 (to 'BUS') to: Garden Club Factsheet 13 (York) PO Box 4000 Cardiff CFu 2XT All 18 factshjets are now available for the reduced price of £12.50. Credit card orders or further details available bz calling 01222 575 444 How to win the factshjets next... Next page C4 Tomorrow BigBrekkie FilmsP321 4-Tel 321 Sun 30 Jul C4 02:38:29 13/14 Tel: 01222 575 444 Win" Win! Win! York To win all the factshjets (or a refund if you have already subscribed) answer this question on a postcard: Is the emblem of the House of York a red or white rose? Garden Club (4-Tel Competition Week 13) Broadcast Support Services PO Box 4000 Cardiff CF5 2XT Winners listed at end of series Last week's answer: A potagjr garden is the name given to a kitchen garden laid out ornamentally. 4-Tel main index 300 Next page C4 Tomorrow BigBrekkie FilmsP321 4-Tel 321 Sun 30 Jul C4 02:31:31 14/14 Tel: 01222 575 444 Locations for the rest of the series Staffs 4 August Summer specials 11, 18, 25 August Basingstoke * 1 September Rutland * 8 September Bradford * 15 September Owing to schedule changes, the final programme, planned to come from Lzdney, has had to bj cancelled. Wj are sorry for any disappointment. This week's programmj details follow 4-Tel's main index to Channel 4 p300 Next page C4 Tomorrow BigBrekkie Films